dawn - herbal tea, clouds turning pink as the sun enters the sky, thick blankets, falling cherry blossom petals, washing their face with cold water, natural hair

noon - light wash jeans, rainbow sprinkles, wishing on dandelions, lips shining with gloss, spinning a pen between their fingers, skin stained with paint

twilight - a gleam in their eyes, doodling potential tattoos on their arms, finding cute tops in thrift shops, breathing in stardust, an open mind

dusk - flickering candles, taking long showers, holding someone close, walking in the rain, peaceful thoughts, letters from a lover, silk nightclothes

eve - watching the stars through a vintage telescope, lying in bed with headphones on, homemade cookies and milk, streetlights illuminating their face

midnight - nostalgia from watching old cartoons, driving on an empty road, neon signs, adrenaline, speaking to strangers, feeling alive, red lipstick


mar 20 2019 ∞
mar 20 2019 +