poetry books: a dying rose, nostalgia, the feeling of being left behind, sharp pencils, feathers drawn on the edge of the paper, looking through the window in class, cloudy sky, driving fast at night in the city, cat scratches, wanting to be alone but hating to be lonely, crying in public, soft kisses, lip gloss.

mythology books: walking alone in the forest, astrology, identifying constellations, fear of water, always carrying a botanical guide with you, over-sized sweaters and shorts, ice cream in winter, waking up too early, wearing two pairs of socks, philosophical conversations, fear of the unknown.

fantasy books: screaming your lungs out when no one can hear you, easy crying, soft hands, the cutest glasses, talking passionately about silliness with your friends, feeling like your dreams aren’t compatible with reality, always fearing what people might say, courage.

new books: impeccable, organized, keeping a diary, always managing to make room in your bookshelves, worrying too much about crushes that may not like you back, realizing family is more important than friends, free museums, cold shower, no sugar in your coffee.

illustrations books: personality crisis, feeling odd when you are with the people you have known for years, eating chocolate between meals, long pretty earrings, worrying about people you don’t know, broken earbuds, forgetful, believing in karma and luck, bunnies.

yellowish pages books: looking away when the person you were looking at looks at you, whispered secrets, golden light in your face, writing in cursive, storytelling, campfire, only leaving your room to go to the library and to the beach on sunsets, sandcastles, swimming naked, salt.

tales books: iced tea, carrying a backpack around, drawings of birds, watercolors, looking after your garden, bicycle, wanting to travel to Italy, the sun, tapestry, standing still in the street, dreamy, hours long phone calls, nice soft pajamas, timid and hating to talk to new people, long eyelashes.


mar 19 2019 ∞
mar 19 2019 +