ares: metal chains, a cigarette hanging from your fingers, jet black sunglasses, winks, crying loudly, the smell of the campfire, intelligent although everyone believes they are dumb, watching the orange gloom of pollution at 4 am in the city, side smiles, ambition.

hades: hand kisses, side looks, wearing too many pairs of socks, cold, understanding love, silence and serenity, looking sad and feeling low, crying while being angry, hands on the chest, falling in love heavily, creating a wall for people to not hurt you, looking through a window while light rain hits the glass, half light.

poseidon: wrath, feeling the ground trembling at your feet, the waves hitting the cliffs, strong temperament, stormy, competitiveness, playing chess on your own, reclusive, feeling you don’t spend enough time with the people you love, hoping time passes by fast, not wanting to grow up, being as mysterious as the ocean.

zeus: dark circles under the eyes for reading too much, falling in love easily, pride, stadium lights, the darkness right before the sunrise, your breath drawing in the air as a white cloud, fog, cold stone, being both an intellectual and an athlete, poor self esteem, always comparing to others, creation.

hermes: easy laughing, mischievous, whispered secrets, having lots of friends, feeling as if you were a toxic person, the trees dancing with the wind, a bird chirping at night, the sound of the water running, having the trust of people, a brief silence interrupted, nature, knowing.

hephaestus: taste of metal, rough hands, a computer running slow, the glow of the fire, sharp eyes, burns, unloveness, looking tough but being actually very sensitive, long showers with water so hot the air turns to mist, old films, making special gifts for your loved ones, ill-feeling.

apollo: the Sun, marble, the moment you realize you have fallen in love, music, flowers in the holes of your ripped jeans, neck kisses, reciting poems aloud, sculptures, petting, laying in the green grass next to a lake and sunbathing, walking arm in arm with your lover through a sweet village in Italy, intense, suffocating.


mar 19 2019 ∞
mar 19 2019 +