slytherin: cold and grey skies, smell of new books, hands full of ink, friction, being silent, getting as a present a relic that belonged to your family, a silver ring in your index finger, cracking your knuckles, ruins of a great building, writing in your books, framing your diploma, wondering, the universe, pain in your chest from crying, feeling too much, biting your pen, feeling unable to show your love for your loved ones, looking as if you were thinking of something great.

hufflepuff: gloves, picking flowers and feeling guilty for it, taking a trip to the mountains, crowded cities, bees, collecting books and magazines from the kiosk, always carrying a bag with you, trying to be organized but failing at it, the sun, golden light, loving your friends, being paired up with people who are the opposite of you, cheek kisses, lip gloss, getting socks as your Christmas present and being really happy about it, baking, learning history, fear of big infinite open places.

gryffindor: high messy ponytails, bleeding knuckles, showing off your motorbike, hugs that take your breath away, accompanying your friends home, bad jokes, comforting your friends after a horror movie, underlining everything from the textbook, truth or dare, listener, not caring about getting wet under the rain, drinking a full glass of water at once, always taking pics of you and your friends when having fun, realizing you are happy when you are with your loved ones, sport events with your friends, stadium lights, 3 am conversations, trusting too much.

ravenclaw: no room in your bookshelves, prejudice, hugging books you just finished, the bluest sky, enjoying adrenaline and heights, wanting to paint but having all your brushes broken, cushions and blankets, sitting on the floor instead of a chair, braids, deep voice, wishing you were a bird, sweet lace underwear, being shy when you first meet people, whispering, dirty glasses, hours in the library, enjoying learning, stubborn, a calculator running out of batteries, never knowing enough.


mar 19 2019 ∞
mar 19 2019 +