art museum: blue lipstick, hair in a messy bun, wings, laying on the grass and looking into the sky, being told someone knows a big secret of yours, untied laces, learning knew things, humming, taking off your shoes and walking barefoot, always saying goodbye to your friends, fist bumps, a book pressed against your chest and mouth wide open, wandering and never getting lost.

science museum: childlish, falling in love easily, never getting messages from the people you like, traveling with a friend in silence on the bus, head full of unexplored ideas, enjoying how the time passes by, always bumping into the same people but never talking to them, constant fear of falling, sweet voice, almonds, cold feet, feeling like a wave, understanding the universe.

wax museum: imagining conversations in your head that never actually happened, always creating a fanfiction of yourself, astrology, going to bed too late, trying to understand people, frustration, dirty shoes, rainy sunday, getting bored easily, the howl of the wind through the trees, writing on the edges of the page, having lots of hair brushes, the sound of the camera taking a photo.

history museum: tasting new food in every new place you visit, lots of pens, the smell of wood in the morning, walking home in a cold evening with the sun setting behind you, calling cats in the street, the prettiest handwriting, calling people “darlings”, the sweetest, long braided hair, discovering your patronus in pottermore, finding out about your ancestors and origins.


mar 19 2019 ∞
mar 19 2019 +