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Roses. Nutella. The Beach. Dancing. Sunsets. Mango. Music. Magic. Taylor Swift. Chris Hemsworth. Long Blacks. The Moon. Lions. Bonfires. Beanies. Builtong. Griffindor. Spanish. Opera. Grey's Anatomy. Polaroid Pictures. Natalie Portman. Any and everything Orange ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Orange leaf gift card
  • Movie tix giftcard
  • Cards against humanity
  • Dad: a twirl and Mum: That icecream? Or… A reeces – (1)
  • Little jaegermeister and little bourbon?
  • A yellow wallabies scarf for dad and mom - ordered!
  • Flowers delivered

Into my bedroom, you may not want to go But I think you should make your way there even so For inside my cupboard, on the far right A surprise awaits you, quite a tasty site!

My parents by now, I know you’ve realized That behind my forgetfulness, I’m quite organized For the 8 weeks of term, though they do come with sadness Little gifts around this house? 1 per week? This is MADNESS!

  • Dad: a twirl and Mum: A reeces
  • Rugby scarves
  • Orange leaf
  • Flowers
  • Movie tix giftcard
  • Little jaegermeister and little bourbon?
  • Flowers delivered
  • A

Into my bedroom, you may not want to go But I think you should make your way there even so For inside my cupboard, on the far right A surprise awaits you, quite a tasty site!

  • B

My parents by now, I know you’ve realized That behind my forgetfulness, I’m quite organized For the 8 weeks of term, though they do come with sadness Little gifts around this house? 1 per week? This is MADNESS!

  • A

Now you’ve reached week number 2 Head to the lounge is what you’ll do The box next to the couch, dear padres is where you’ll see The proper accessory when you next shout WALLABY!

  • A

It looks as though you’ve reached week 3 What a great place to be! Go to the kitchen draw of tea, And search search search until you see!

  • B

Where to next? To uluru? To the great barrier reef? Or perhaps somewhere you might find an ORANGE LEAF!

  • On the card

This next gift doesn’t involve a search or a surprise Just a little something to make the house smell nice ☺

aug 16 2014 ∞
aug 20 2014 +