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just a bunch of bangtan fics sent from heaven for ships trash like me (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

✿ some triggering warnings may apply to some fics so make sure to check the tags before reading it ✿

listography NEW NEWS

✧・゚:* namjoon&seokjin *:・゚✧

Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.

Plenty of people read Jin's blog, thank you very much.

Yoongi and Seokjin are graduating, Namjoon's life is falling apart, Hoseok shows Jungkook hentai, Taehyung sleeps, and Jimin wants them all to go on a road trip. So they do.

Kim Namjoon is a dud. He accidentally falls in love anyway and time goes by. (Part 1 of Times Three)

Namjoon and Seokjin flee the wild, and their pack grows. (Part 2 of Times Three)

Yoongi is broken, Namjoon shows him his place. (Part 3 of Times Three)

Seokjin goes into heat, Yoongi is the only one home. (Part 4 of Times Three)

Yoongi and Seokjin are caught by Namjoon. (Part 5 of Times Three)

Seokjin discovers that his house is haunted and he ends up befriending said ghost. He’s not really sure what to expect but he quickly finds out that scaring really isn't Namjoon’s forte. His ghostly friend can't seem to get the hang of moving through walls or mall automatic doors... (Part 3 of Keepsake)

Leaving Ilsan meant leaving his friends and family behind, and Namjoon has never really been good at being alone. Due to the staggering statistics about the suicide rate in Korea, several universities have instituted a ‘Phone a Friend’ hotline, where students can talk to other students about their problems. There he finds solace in the warmth of a boy’s soothing voice, his raucous laughter, and the obsessive excitement he has towards the topic of food.

Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they're all telling him the same thing: "fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you."

Namjoon and Seokjin have sex for the first time. That's it, that's the fic.

Right now Namjoon was exhausted and he'd been saying rude shit and he kept snapping at Taehyung and then they'd had to sit through that interview ("Who's your celebrity crush?") and Seokjin had tried making a joke ("Rap Monster," he'd said, thinking he was being clever) and even as everyone around them cracked up the look that had flashed through Namjoon's eyes belied something that looked almost brittle.

Kim Seokjin is a wedding caterer. Kim Namjoon is a wedding planner. Both of them think marriage is a societal construct with no place in modern life. Neither of them would know Real Love if it came up to them at a wedding and made a wager. (Part 2 of Simply Wonderful)

A followup fic to A Wonderful Institution. 30% fluff, 30% smut, 20% domesticity, and 20% whatever the heck I think of when I think of it. Will be updated sporadically. (Part 2 of Simply Wonderful)

At three o'clock in the morning after he’d been working for ten hours straight and everything he touched came out wrong and all his words were stilted and clumsy and all his music was rough and tangled… for some ungodly reason Kim Namjoon opened up a new browser window, typed bangtan sonyeondan fan fiction into the search bar, and then (god) hit enter.

Spy!AU. Seokjin gets captured in a mission, and there's no way Namjoon's going to let him just become a statistic.

In which Seokjin and Nam Joon have been together for nine years, married for five, and been looking after Nam Joon’s younger brother, Jungkook, for one.

Seokjin feels too deeply and Namjoon too fleetingly, together they try to crash without burning.

Bangtan have to do a cute concept, which isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds.

Battle Royale/Attack on Titan inspired AU. Namjoon wonders how far he's willing to go to survive.

Namjoon is possessive.

Namjoon and Seokjin are trapped on the bottom of a sunk ferry.

The day Kim Namjoon said no to Kim Seokjin would be the day the earth stopped turning on its axis. (Part 2 of Kickstart)


A phonological phenomenon in which two disparate sounds meet, creating a third sound between them which wasn't there before.

There were a lot of jobs worse than being partnered with world-renowned Absent-Minded Professor Kim Namjoon, but Professor Kim Seokjin couldn't think of what any of them were at the moment.

A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house.

At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules: 1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin.

The rest is all fine print.

Jin is a prince, and Namjoon is his bodyguard.

"You're sort of bad at this."

"Nah. You're safe, aren't you?"

First heats suck. First heats especially suck when you were never ever ever ever supposed to be an omega.

Seokjin wasn't his, but he was still as every bit of 'his' as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that.

In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone's disappointment, fucks up.

Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.

it was a vicious cycle, one of loving and leaving and living and learning, except Namjoon somehow always manages to miss that last bit, the most important bit, instead loving and leaving and living and loving again and again and again until the ring around the rosie finally scatters into ashes -

and it's only him that falls.

In which Yoongi and Hoseok are Namjin shippers. (Part 1 of Fanboy AU)

Yoongi and Hoseok can suck it, cause no one ships Namjin like Jimin and Taehyung do. (Part 2 of Fanboy AU)

prequel/series of outtakes from my fanboy au

(alternatively, a chronicle of yoonseok + vmin + seagull's never-ending quest to make their otp canon) (Part 3 of Fanboy AU)

Namjoon and Seokjin are playing a dangerous game, who would crack first?

Or: “You guys should kiss,” Jimin tells them, eyes bright with anticipation, “Ya know, get over your sexual tension and shit.”

“It’s not like your job at the coffee shop and my job at the market were getting us by,” Taehyung said, smiling, “At least this job is fun.”

Namjoon exudes power in everything that he does. From the bass of his voice that thrums low in Seokjin’s gut with every whisper and growl, to his stature as he looms over everyone (including those taller than him), to the way he swipes a once pristine cloth over the stainless metal of his guns, soaking up the blood and dirt medals earned from the nameless men killed at any given time.

A pink tongue slides over plump lips as Seokjin forces his eyes up to Namjoon’s own when he speaks again, going over their latest heists and how some grunts had nearly jeopardized things worth more than their lives warranted. It’s always amused Seokjin how out of the two of them, Namjoon is the boss. He’s a hustler in any and every sense of the world- and he’s entirely proud of it. Seokjin himself is one of Namjoon’s many prizes.

nd as far as Namjoon is concerned, Seokjin’s only earned title is bitch.

Bathrooms are a dangerous, dangerous place.

When Seokjin receives a job offer to be a baker's assistant at a bakery in the mall, he'd thought that he'd be helping knead dough in the kitchen, but instead, he gets put to work as a measly salesperson who gives out bread samples to the public.

And just when he thinks things wouldn't get any worse, it happens that the salesperson from the rival bakery right across the mall is not only stealing away all his customers, but also impossibly cute.

Namjoon is the God of Destruction, as well as the caretaker of three kids, and his kitchen nearly burns down thanks to his attempts to cook an egg but thank god, Kim Seokjin - his saviour, his superhero, his God of Kitchen - lives right upstairs. Domestic/Dad!Namjoon? AU

In a final, desperate attempt to get Seokjin to notice him, Namjoon dyes his hair pink. However, Seokjin avoids him more than ever and Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong.

Leaving Ilsan meant leaving his friends and family behind, and Namjoon has never really been good at being alone. Due to the staggering statistics about the suicide rate in Korea, several universities have instituted a ‘Phone a Friend’ hotline, where students can talk to other students about their problems. There he finds solace in the warmth of a boy’s soothing voice, his raucous laughter, and the obsessive excitement he has towards the topic of food.

Namjoon does his job and Seokjin is Very Distressed.

By the time Jin’s phone finally rang, he was good and angry. He shut off the sink, where he’d been aggressively washing dishes as therapy, wiped his hands on a towel and snatched the phone off the counter, banging the answer button.




1. a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.

2. the central or innermost part of something. "right in the heart of the city"

Hearts are something Kim Seokjin touches often, but doesn't have himself.

Namjoon keeps bumping into Jin in between classes and Jin just wants some peace.

Seokjin doesn't want to talk about what happened last Christmas. Harry Potter!AU (Part 1 of the finest butterbeer)

Psych professor Kim Namjoon "runs into" (literally) campus librarian Kim Seokjin, and the cute ensues as Namjoon comes to terms that he might be head-over heels for him. One Shot College AU.

Namjoon isn't fucked up. He's lonely. He's in love.

"Tell your friend not to lose sleep over someone like Namjoon."

Namjoon is Taehyung's adoptive father, and spends so long worrying about Taehyung that he forgets how to worry about himself.

Time flies by, but rarely anything changes.

When Kim Taehyung's academic situation takes a turn for the worse, his mother is convinced to hire a highly recommended tutor in the hopes for a miracle that would turn her son into a conscientious student. Her eldest son, Seokjin, has a far more skeptical opinion on this entire thing, expecting it to be-lest he sugarcoat it-a complete failure. And Kim Namjoon is just really bad at making good first impressions (or second ones, or just impressions altogether). (Part 1 of When life gives you elephants...)

Seokjin is a vampire, Namjoon is human, and love lasts longer than immortality.

the boys are rewarded with a weekend vacation, and during the calm and quiet commute, jimin notices all the little things about each of his members.

to jimin, seokjin is the guardian angel of bts. namjoon is the clever leader who might not be as independent as he seems. yoongi isn't as cold as everyone thinks. taehyung is an actual puppy. to jimin, jungkook and hoseok are warm against his shoulders, and in this roadtrip on a cold and rainy night, jimin feels contented knowing his members' true selves.

Five times Namjoon trusted Seokjin, and one time he learnt his lesson (Victorian London AU)

Seokjin attempts to brighten up Namjoon's birthday

Namjoon has a habit of getting into accidents and Seokjin has a habit of being the nurse who cleans up after him

the boys are rewarded with a weekend vacation, and during the calm and quiet commute, jimin notices all the little things about each of his members.

to jimin, seokjin is the guardian angel of bts. namjoon is the clever leader who might not be as independent as he seems. yoongi isn't as cold as everyone thinks. taehyung is an actual puppy. to jimin, jungkook and hoseok are warm against his shoulders, and in this roadtrip on a cold and rainy night, jimin feels contented knowing his members' true selves.

Eat Jin has an anti.


"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Show me your face."

or, Seokjin finds that there is more to his magic mirror than meets the eye. (Part 1 of once upon a time)

Namjoon sighed. He sighed at the same exact time, in the same exact spot, staring at the same exact thing, every single day.

i like sad things and have a pathetically short attention span, so what better than to work with my depressing and tiny brain and create a series of short, sad words. yay.

Where Seokjin convinces Namjoon to do the Boyfriend Tag as a way of both coming out and connecting with his audience


Namjoon hadn’t been sure if he was quite ready to ‘come out’ yet within his community, fearing that perhaps his masculine rapper image would shatter if social media discovered that he wasn’t as straight as everyone had thought. He wasn’t so much nervous for people to know that he was gay, and it wasn’t that he feared the association that came with his sexuality- No, it was that he didn’t want his efforts to be wiped away due to the public inadvertently seeing him as ‘The Gay Youtuber’ rather than ‘Rap Monster, the hip hop artist who has been trying to break into the industry since middle school’.

Namjoon wants to propose to Seokjin and asks baby Jeongguk for help.

Seokjin works at Disney Land, Namjoon is a patient older brother and Jungkook loves Mulan.

Where Seokjin and Namjoon are parents to bumbly, fumbly Bangtan babies.

_Seokjin wasn't his, but he was still as every bit of 'his' as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that.

In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone's disappointment, fucks up._

“It’s not like your job at the coffee shop and my job at the market were getting us by,” Taehyung said, smiling, “At least this job is fun.”

("If there's something to be said about Kim Seokjn," an intern whispers after Seokjin has long passed, "it's that he only preys on two things: money and men.")

namjoon punches seokjin in the face. twice.

Falling in love at first sight for the wide-eyed dragon in Everland isn’t part of Namjoon’s to-do-list for the summer break.

finally home.

There's an elephant in the room that nobody is willing to address.

Until it's already too late.

The resulting conclusion is an explosion of too many repressed sexual feelings.

A one-sided love can't exist and yet Seokjin allows it to consume him. He can't leave. Can't risk not seeing that smile. So he has to pretend. Pretend that he isn't the only one in love.

Love is a joke and Namjoon refuses to acknowledge it actually exists. He's stuck in his greedy ways. He could care less about who he hurts, including his favorite toy.

There were times when Namjoon would focus solely on Seokjin’s pleasure and that alone.

This was one of those times.

Namjoon uses an unlikely medium to communicate with her crush, Kim Seokjin, the handsome School President of the neighboring high school. Yoongi thinks she's a nerd, and Jungkook needs to grow a spine.

Six different ways Jin meets Bangtan.

Namjoon and Seokjin are playing a dangerous game, who would crack first?

“One day,” Namjoon continued, “even if things get under control enough for us to live a normal life, I’d like it if we were still together.”

“All of us?” Seokjin asked breathlessly, because if he didn’t he would misunderstand, and he didn’t want to be the only one making false conclusions.

Namjoon looked up at him then, the intensity of his gaze saying it all. “Yeah. All of us.”

Seokjin contracts an illness that Namjoon is starting to think they won’t be able to find on WebMD. How do you search for symptoms like “has no reflection sometimes,” anyway?

Jin thinks Namjoon forgot his birthday, but really he just forgot about timezones. He makes it up to him, and Kookie is left wondering what all those words mean.

Namjoon has a rough day, but when does he not?

Seokjin is a bit of a stalker. Smitten with a Father-son duo. Where Yoongi is the most adorable child ever created.

Namjoon has a crush and he sits two seats over and to the left.

Jin is sexually frustrated and it's all Namjoon’s fault.

Namjoon wants a normal life with Jin. Jin knows the man will be better off without him.

Namjoon is a man of few words unless those words are about Jin. Jin loves to create and when it comes to Namjoon, he is an artist.

Namjoon does homework. Seokjin is a distraction.

His brows knit together as he crosses his legs comfortably beneath him, and he just sits there in the dim light, watching Namjoon with his fingers steepled, wondering what's going through his head or if he's aware of the fact that his snoring currently resembles a foghorn.

All the members of the house wonder why Seokjin was so great at being perfect.

namjoon punches seokjin in the face. twice.

jin might be petty and high-strung, but he is NOT a bridezilla. well, actually.

Seokjin hasn't been back in a long time.

Seokjin's only wish for his birthday was to see Namjoon again, but that was impossible.

.... Wasn't it?

Because playing in the rain is always a good idea.

Putting twins to bed is a lot harder than it sounds.... Especially when your adorable husband happens to be a klutz.

Seokjin needs the heat of Namjoon’s big hands on his thighs. He needs the dorky underbite smile Namjoon only pulls out when he’s being self-deprecating. He needs the thoughtful texts before big pitches, the iced coffee Namjoon drops off on his way to class, the deep satiation of the mindblowing sex they have.

That’s what he needs, and that’s exactly what Namjoon gives him, so he’s not exactly in a position to ask for anything more.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder - or, in Seokjin's case, just makes you realize something completely, stupidly obvious. AU where Seokjin owns a little bookstore, his old college friend Namjoon has become a novelist, and everyone has a lot of understated feelings.

"If there's something to be said about Kim Seokjn," an intern whispers after Seokjin has long passed, "it's that he only preys on two things: money and men."

namjoon is in love. he’s been talking to an almost-stranger for probably, like, ten minutes, he is most definitely not drunk, he’s sweating too much under an absurd amount of toilet paper, and he forgot just how bad his hormones like to kick up when he’s had just enough alcohol in his system.

A heavy burden sits on Seokjin's shoulders.

r u n c h r a n d a.


this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign

~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~

hahahahahahaha wtf

Jin is gone and Namjoon is sad.

Jin and Namjoon have been dating for a while, Namjoon is a little bit worried that the others won't accept them.

short and really really cute, I promise :)

"what's your name?"

"jin-z, like jay-z, you know?" he says in completely accented english. one eye squints, body leaning forward as he makes hand motions.

namjoon suddenly regrets taking the offer to be a smtm producer.

A broker of deals and a killer, Namjoon must work up the courage to walk away from everything he's known for a chance at something better.

"The face looking back from the mirror is unfamiliar. Yes, they have the same eyebrows and nose and lips, but Namjoon is not looking back. Or perhaps it is truly Namjoon in the mirror and the one balancing on numb legs, chest heaving, is the impostor."

In Case of Emergency (ICE): a program that enables paramedics, police officers, and hospital personnel to contact the next of kin of the owner of a cell phone in order to obtain important medical or support information.

What happens when Seokjin programs the wrong number into his phone and gets into an accident?

“That’s terrible,” Namjoon replied, pitching his voice lower to sound sympathetic. “I’ll be right there.”

On a nonverbal count of three, Yoongi gracefully pulled the door open only to reveal a very relieved Seokjin. “Oh, finally!” the man groaned, unable to contain a smile. “Where is everybody, Yoongi? And is Namjoon in? I wanted to ask him-”

The second Namjoon recognized Seokjin’s voice coming in from the hallway, he felt the blood drain from his face. A nightmare was playing out before his eyes and he felt powerless to stop it.

Namjoon, a witch of the earth who sells his wares on the street. Seokjin, the man who makes the best fried squid in town. When these two meet, magic will spark, ducks will be fed, and well, Seokjin literally can't see his food stand anymore.

“Namjoon, you can’t just make Happy Squid invisible. We’ll lose business. And don’t think I don’t know see-me-nots are illegal, because I do.”

Namjoon just shrugs. “Hard to get caught if no one can see it.”

There's no way that walking up to a stranger in a dirty alley in the middle of the right could be a terrible idea. Fact.

Namjoon's bad day turns weird when a fugitive customer takes shelter behind the customer service counter and shushes him into keeping it a secret.

"Seokjin, who had been simultaneously snooping through the cupboards and pulling on the shoelace, managed to knock a box of sneakers off the top shelf. He looked up at Namjoon, expression twisted like a kicked puppy, guilty hands squeezed beneath his legs."

bangtan as kids ft. namjin as parents

Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.

The moment a person is born into the world they are given a superpower. All powers are given out at random. No one’s really sure by whom they’re given out (some people say god, others try and link genetics), but Seokjin thinks that getting a power is like putting a quarter in a toy dispenser. When you put the quarter in, there’s one ball you want, some that you’d be fine with getting, and one that—the minute you pop it open and see the prize inside—makes you burst out in tears and dread wasting a quarter for this piece of shit.

This is how Seokjin feels about his power.

Seokjin hasn't been back in a long time.

jin might be petty and high-strung, but he is NOT a bridezilla. well, actually,

namjoon punches seokjin in the face. twice.

Namjoon, a witch of the earth who sells his wares on the street. Seokjin, the man who makes the best fried squid in town. When these two meet, magic will spark, ducks will be fed, and well, Seokjin literally can't see his food stand anymore.

“Namjoon, you can’t just make Happy Squid invisible. We’ll lose business. And don’t think I don’t know see-me-nots are illegal, because I do.”

Namjoon just shrugs. “Hard to get caught if no one can see it.”

Seokjin has known of his fate since he turned thirteen, that in order to ensure he meets the strongest spouse possible for his kingdom, he is to be locked away in a castle guarded by a fearsome dragon when he turns eighteen.

In which Namjoon is the military's youngest State Alchemist to be named Colonel at the impressive age of 27, but still can't accomplish the simple things in life like building a goddamn patio swing or impressing Seokjin.

A schemer named Hoseok may or may not have had anything to do with it.

Once upon a time there was a prince, and he loved a city and a person in equal measure.

Yoongi didn’t mean to mark a human baby as his future mate.

Kim Seokjin doesn’t know how he acquired the wing tattoos on his back. All he knows is that he’s had them since he was only a few days old.

seokjin doesn't know who the boy with the solar system around his head is, but he's pretty damn sure he's cute as f u c k.

Namjoon and Seokjin were married. Jungkook is their son and Taehyung is Jungkook's best friend.

In which Seokjin spends his days in a perpetually stressed and flustered state; Hoseok’s ability to throw back shots is somewhat alarming; Yoongi’s inability to take care of drunken people is somewhat less alarming; Taehyung’s covered in chocolate cake for absolutely no reason; sweet, unfortunate Jimin is just trying to do his job; Jeongguk’s aesthetic is recovering from the yodelling class, and Namjoon is just a philosophical asshole when he’s hung-over.

It’s my turn to open up the café today and you were sleeping under one of the tables when I came in and I don’t know what to say so I’m just awkwardly sweeping around you AU

the sea will give you a gift one day and you must treasure it.

a series of snapshots into Seokjin and Namjoon's family life, and the messiness contained therein.

In an act of rare stupidity, rich executive’s son Kim Namjoon decides to live like the middle class for a week. The only good part is the manager of McDonald’s.

Kim Namjoon can't cook, but he somehow becomes obsessed with a cooking blog called 'EatJin' and the sassy and mysterious person behind it. In the realm of real life he isn't doing much better, because there's a ridiculously handsome guy with broad shoulders called Kim Seokjin that works in a nearby supermarket who is slowly ruining his life. Little does he know, they're actually the same person.

may 27 2016 ∞
apr 23 2017 +