• first house - VIRGO

subjective self awareness - personality; mask; identity; self image as projected to others; self expression; outer expression

If your ascendant fell in the sign of Virgo, this could easily be a signal that you were born to help others. Even though this is the sign in which Mercury is exalted, it doesn’t give much strength to one’s physical constitution and speaks of all sorts of health issues that might surface. It is a sign that shows a fine physique, someone who looks like a library type, with glasses, thin hear and a strong belief system when it comes to all matters of healing. On the plus side, it will speak of intelligence and mental clarity. The biggest challenge of these individuals is to see the bigger picture, separate from dull details and have some faith in the greater order of things. This leads to their problems with trust and makes them vulnerable to all sorts of deception. Their ruler is Mercury.

Virgo in 1st House: Virgo in the 1st house suggests a meticulous, analytical personality. You are likely to be seen as practical and detail-oriented. Your self-image is often tied to your ability to organize and improve.

  • second house - LIBRA

resources; resourcefulness; self esteem; values & valuables; material security; attitudes towards possessions

Libra in the 2nd house brings a balanced and harmonious approach to personal values and material possessions. This placement often indicates a desire for luxury and a knack for attracting wealth through partnerships. The challenge for Libra here is to avoid becoming too dependent on others and to learn to value self-reliance.

  • third house - SCORPIO

mind set; thinking, speaking and writing style, learning; interactions with siblings, communication

When the third house starts in Scorpio, it is never easily handled. This is a strong, deep mind, often enriched with a sense for dark humor, and thoughts and words that are difficult to remain pure and free of dissatisfaction. This position is a strong one for science, research, and occult matters, but brings challenges in areas of the heart and emotional contacts with the closest people. Darkness of Scorpio is best seen through one’s mind and a person needs deep emotional clarity and enough laughter and easiness in life to accept it with grace and beauty. The best practice for such strong personalities is to imagine beauty daily and choose a creative line of work. If they manage to recognize the good in all things, it will clear up the fog and help them discover incredible treasures within.

With Scorpio in the 3rd house, your communication style is likely to be intense and probing. You may have a knack for uncovering hidden truths and a passion for learning about mysteries and the unknown. You may also have a strong interest in psychology and the workings of the mind.

  • fourth house - SAGITTARIUS

home; private life; roots; heritage; family; psychological foundations; subconscious patterns

With the fourth house in Sagittarius, it is not exactly easy to feel at home, wherever one tries to settle. This is one of predicaments leading to a life abroad, often because there was distance and space in their upbringing that makes it impossible to incorporate their beliefs into the country they were born in. Satisfaction is found through education and traveling, and a person with the fourth house here has to remain true to moral and emotional imperatives in order to be happy. This is almost always a beneficent, strong starting position, with enough wealth and width to support one’s emotional growth. However, it can detach their heart from true emotional satisfaction and turn them to philosophical and mental issues instead of giving them the ability to find their place. Whatever the case, this is a strong guiding point to discover the entire world is our home, not just the couch we choose to sit on.

Sagittarius in the 4th house suggests a free-spirited and adventurous home life. You likely value freedom and may have a knack for inspiring others. However, you may also struggle with restlessness and need to learn to be more grounded.

  • fifth house - CAPRICORN

creativity; recreation; procreation; entertainment; pleasures; romance; children; play

When the fifth house is in the sign of Capricorn, the difficulties of fear, panic, spasm, and an obvious lack of rest, seem to reside here. It is never easy to have the fifth house here, as it drains a lot of energy from an individual and speaks of the inability to enjoy, have fun, and share carefree and light activities with other people. These individuals are strict towards themselves and others, especially their children, and plan too much while forgetting that spontaneity is the key to true happiness. Great joy can be found in archaeological, spiritual, or historical issues, and their life path should definitely be evolving around matters of time, serious commitments and responsibility. The best cure for any chronic condition they develop in life lies in rest, meditation, and the building of a strong connection with God, however they might recognize God in this lifetime.

Capricorn in the 5th house brings a disciplined, practical approach to creativity. This placement encourages a focus on long-term goals and a love for structure. Capricorn here may find joy in building and nurturing small businesses or in hobbies that require patience and precision.

  • sixth house - AQUARIUS

self improvement; service; employment; work routines; health & nutrition; duty

When the sign of Aquarius is at the sixth house cusp, it is always a signal that a routine found in the primary family isn’t healthy or supporting for the physiology of the person. Changes are necessary and fast food, light sleep, and mental preoccupation won’t help the stress or problems with nerves. With a strong foundation and a lot of physical exercise, this is a position that allows one to get in touch with the infinite intelligence of their body, making it easy for a person to ground ideas through a simple train of thought and this is when materialization becomes incredibly easy. With enough jobs changed, these individuals usually find their group of people, their cosmic brothers and sisters, only to end up in circumstances stranger than imaginable to any of their ancestors. If they remain open for change and find acceptance for all circumstances with as little stress as possible, they can become true innovators, able to ground any idea that comes to their mind.

When the sign of Aquarius is at the sixth house cusp, it is always a signal that a routine found in the primary family isn’t healthy or supporting for the physiology of the person. Changes are necessary and fast food, light sleep, and mental preoccupation won’t help the stress or problems with nerves. With a strong foundation and a lot of physical exercise, this is a position that allows one to get in touch with the infinite intelligence of their body, making it easy for a person to ground ideas through a simple train of thought and this is when materialization becomes incredibly easy. With enough jobs changed, these individuals usually find their group of people, their cosmic brothers and sisters, only to end up in circumstances stranger than imaginable to any of their ancestors. If they remain open for change and find acceptance for all circumstances with as little stress as possible, they can become true innovators, able to ground any idea that comes to their mind.

With Aquarius in the 6th house, your daily work and routine are likely to be innovative and unconventional. You may have a strong interest in technology or social causes, particularly in a work environment. Your approach to health and self-improvement is progressive and humanitarian, often seeking to improve the collective.

  • seventh house - PISCES

partnerships; marriage; one to one relationships; alliances or conflicts; legal matters

When the seventh house begins in Pisces, matters of trust are of outmost importance for any healthy relationships a person might have. Beliefs will create destiny, while there is often some sort of mission one has to fulfill in order to find satisfaction and happiness. In many cases this is a position that speaks of betrayal and strange partners, intimate bonds with people who are talented and artistic but also unstable, lost, far away, psychologically challenged or turned to substance abuse of some kind. Dependencies are almost inevitable here until one learns about ways to believe in their own abilities and believe in others in the right way and with clearly set boundaries. There is a lot of emotion and romance here and for as long as the minds of these individuals don’t meddle in matters of the heart they will advance towards more and more fulfilling relationships through life. There is magic to this position and the greatest potential for a fairytale ending is hidden here, if only there is enough faith and devotion to reach this destination.

With Pisces in the 7th house, your relationships are likely to be dreamy and romantic. You may be drawn to partners who are compassionate and artistic. Balancing your need for escapism with your partner's need for reality can be a challenge.

  • eighth house - ARIES

renewal; sex, death, and rebirth; transformation; deeply felt peak experiences; growth & change

With the eighth house in Aries the main challenge of life is to accept the constructive force of anger and conflict. If Mars isn’t extremely well positioned, this speaks of one’s tendency to waste their energy on irrelevant issues, these seen primarily through challenging aspects of Mars. Change will come pretty much naturally, but with a lot of fire and fuss and never easy. Instinct needs to be nurtured and most often this is the position of those born with an ascendant in Virgo, meaning they tend to overthink things and shove their instincts and gut feelings aside. The most damaging thing a person can do with this setting is to approach life reasonably instead of instinctively. This is also a setting that accents the fact that all problems with young men full of energy, leadership, police, or army, have to be mended and brought to a level of emotional acceptance and understanding.

Aries in the 8th house brings a fiery passion to the transformative aspects of life. This placement encourages a direct and courageous approach to deep, hidden matters. Expect a bold exploration of life's mysteries and a fearless confrontation of the self's darker aspects.

  • ninth house - TAURUS

the search for meaning; higher education; mind expansion; philosophy of life; religions; journeys; travel

If the ninth house is set in Taurus, the purpose of a person’s life is always found somewhere in the material world. Experience needs to be built in the real world, through financial and physical matters, and this is the exact reason why these individuals turn to education in fields of finance, agriculture, cooking, or real estate. For as long as they don’t lack initiative and primal energy, they can truly be fantastic in practical issues, but also tend to close up for new experiences if they get hurt or disappointed. This is a tricky position for as much as the beneficent sign of Taurus can be mellow it can also be lazy, static, or stiff to accept change and the beauty of constant movement. There is a special joy these people find in tradition if their Venus is beneficently set, and they will strive to reach family values and practical pleasures as much as they can in this lifetime.

If Taurus is in your 9th house, you may approach learning and expansion in a practical, grounded manner. You likely value stability and may prefer to stick to tried-and-true methods of gaining wisdom. However, you also have a deep appreciation for beauty and may be drawn to artistic or aesthetic philosophical concepts.

  • tenth house - GEMINI

achiecement in the world; authorities; public life; recognition; guides; career or vocation

If the tenth house is set in Gemini, we can instantly presume that a person likes to talk and be seen talking. Just as the seventh house Gemini likes to share their opinions with the world, this is someone who not only shares, but also lets information define them in the society. This position often leads to strange circumstances in which gossip, nicknames, and empty stories surround one, until they find the right words to show their true selves. People with the tenth house in Gemini have to learn to be carefree and deep at the same time, quick enough to take action and human enough to make mistakes. If they build up a beautiful image of their personality within, they will have no trouble manifesting it on the outside, creating incredible social contacts and opportunities for everyone around them.

With Gemini in the 10th house, you may have a versatile career path, with interests in various fields. Communication is likely a significant part of your profession. Your public image is one of adaptability and intellect, and you're known for your ability to juggle multiple tasks at once.

  • eleventh house - PISCES

group involvement; clubs; collective endeavors; friendships; humanitarian ideals; global awareness

When the eleventh house is in the sign of Pisces, friendships are hazy and unclear. This is a person who has a task to find faith in others and it will always come with challenges and difficulties in their way. If they believe enough to spread love without many expectations, they could find those several soulmates that were deserved through previous lifetimes. Purity is the key to solid relationships, and with Pisces everything is prone to change and endings. Many friendships will begin only to end, pushing this person in the right direction. Others will be kept at a certain distance and lack intimacy. What these people need to do is sink in, and give in to every relationship that feels good without fear of betrayal or loss. If their friends are supposed to end up at sea, on another continent, or in their dreamland, this is fine for as long as they share an emotional bond wherever they are.

Pisces in the 11th house brings a compassionate and intuitive energy to group dynamics. You may find yourself involved in spiritual or artistic community projects. Your future visions are likely imaginative and empathetic, reflecting Pisces' mutable water nature.

  • twelfth house - LEO

service to humanity; self-transcendence; self-sacrifice; retreats from the world; unacknowledged or repressed parts of oneself

When the twelfth house begins in Leo, the personality itself seems to be strange, sensitive, and unknown. These individuals will have to learn about their power and their inner truth, while they remain in the blurry waters hidden from plain sight. This is often a signal that previous life carried a story of success, and image that was maintained and remained important to the person until they died. It can be extremely rewarding if unconscious memories of it are pleasant and bring confidence and peace. However, if there was any dishonesty in their approach once upon a time, this will be the life to rectify it, accept the flaws in others, those we don’t want to see and don’t want to show, and find brothers and sisters in crime finally set free from self-criticism. Since the clear image of one’s Self is blurry, overall good of the mankind will be important to these people, as well as humanitarian efforts they often turn to at some point in their lives.

Leo here may struggle with surrendering their ego to a higher power. They may be drawn to spiritual leadership roles, but need to learn to serve without seeking recognition. Their journey involves learning to shine their light without overshadowing others.

feb 10 2024 ∞
feb 10 2024 +