beginning notes

It's super important to end any ritual with a formal closing. Take a moment when your ritual is complete to sit quietly, thanking any angels, guides, or deities you work with, and/or the universe at large. Thank them for their support, their guidance, and for helping you get your intentions in motion, and find gratitude in knowing that you are divinely supported.

new moon


Given that La Luna governs your body’s fluids and emotional landscape, rituals that are positively associated with water or expressing your feelings are perfectly suited to a full Moon

The full Moon marks the halfway point between the Moon’s cycle. It is the end of the waxing phase and the beginning of the waning phase. This means that the seeds of intention planted during the new Moon have grown to their fullest potential. The Moon is in full bloom and is ready to begin its waning phase, where a ‘letting go’ process begins until the new Moon starts another fresh cycle

  • Charging your crystals
  • Dancing to release energy
  • Take a bath - add salts / oils
  • Lighting a candle
  • Smudging with sage
  • Starting a gratitude journal
  • Make moon water (can water plants, bathe, cleanse etc)
    • fill a clear / glass container with water - rainwater is best
    • place your container somewhere it's facing the moon. It doesn't matter whether it's outside on your porch or inside on a windowsill.
    • say an affirmation or prayer. think about what you want to use this moon water for, and say an affirmation or prayer over the jar to seal your intention
    • once your container is in place and your intention is set, leave the jar overnight
    • remove water before the sun comes out

new moon intentions based on sign (for moon)

  • Aries: Identity, self, individuality, fire, beginnings.
  • Taurus: Mother Earth, art, nature, body positivity, grounding.
  • Gemini: Conversation, air, information, knowledge, social.
  • Cancer: Water, womb, Mother, moon, comfort.
  • Leo: Fire, creativity, fame, Sun, sovereignty.
  • Virgo: Earth, goddess, harvest, sorting out what's necessary / what's not.
  • Libra: Balance, justice, beauty, harmony, air, ideas.
  • Scorpio: Deep waters, underworld, shadow, the past.
  • Sagittarius: Adventure, fire, the unknown, wildness.
  • Capricorn: Earth, structure, integrity, hard work, Saturn.
  • Aquarius: Air, new ideas, revolution, future-oriented, outsiders.
  • Pisces: The ocean, collective consciousness, mystical, dreams.
nov 20 2023 ∞
nov 20 2023 +