Notes I write to Cody Christopher<3-

  • Cody, you are silly, and weirder than i am. But you have good taste in movies, and are so much fun to talk to. I still love you even though you don't like rain and hate cherry flavored things. Who likes watermelon flavor anyway? And don't even get me started on green apple flavor!! Love, Me
  • Cody christopher, I love you more than you know. I am constantly discovering new things about you every day that I love more and more. I love sleeping with you every night and waking up to you every morning. And when I'm mad you know just what to say to make me smile. I love you so much baby. Love, Me
  • Cody Christopher Frocione, I love you more and more every single day. I've never felt anything like this about anyone else in my life... I never knew it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. You make me the happiest girl in the world baby, and I never want to be without you. I love you... And I never ever want to stop. I love you so much baby<3 Love, Me
feb 17 2011 ∞
feb 17 2011 +