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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


favorite films of late

  • the double
    • the cinematography was fantastic, the dialogue was hilarious, very swell second work from ayoade, nice sense of suspense, good use of sound, jesse eisenberg is adorable, mia wasikowska as hannah is my new style icon, cool techniques
  • submarine (forever my favorite)
    • i am emotionally obsessed with this movie, oliver tate is played excellently, i like the movie better than the book, excellent dialogue,i really enjoyed the voice overs, the alex turner soundtrack is fantastic
  • only lovers left alive
    • my first jarmusch film! i really enjoyed it. it looked beautiful, from the setting to the costumes to the typeface. very excellent. made me want to wear sunglasses and white gloves. again, mia wasikowska as ava is my new style icon. i liked the sqrl version of funnel of love, and the spinning camera. very moody.
  • broken angels
    • very cool :) my third wong kar wai film. a little weird, but i love the way it looked. the lighting was very well done. the transitions and characters where strange, but overall thumbs up
  • in the mood for love
    • do i need to say more, why did i wait so long to watch this, everything was great
  • stoker
    • very cool! missing a few steps, but the beautiful cinematography created a cool sense of suspense. lovin it, lovin mia wasikowska.

favorite actors/actresses of the moment

  • mia wasikowska (obviously)
  • saiorse ronan
  • tommy hiddleston (sexy)
  • tony leung

favorite directors at the moment

  • richard ayoade
  • jim jarmusch
  • park chan-wook
  • wong kar wai

favorite directors of all time

  • wes anderson
  • jean pierre jeunet
  • wong kar wai
jun 21 2014 ∞
sep 16 2014 +