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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


this could be important for me if i ever become a filmmaker but i also just love remembering so let's take a blast to the past

  • the double: when james simon switches costumes with simon james at the restaurant and blue chateau plays, and there's like flowers in the breeze, and when simon james is running home through the fog after his mother's funeral. and when he's in the ambulance right before the sun (which i love) plays
  • before sunrise : when celine and jesse are awkwardly sitting in the listening booth listening to come here by kath bloom, and it's awkward but it's also so flushingly blushing actual love and i'm obsessed with it, a really honest cut
  • before sunset : when celine sings a waltz for a night
  • beginners : when ewan mcgregor is lying on the bed in the hotel room with ana, and at first he's breathing kind of roughly and i think he starts to cry, it's one of the only scenes where he seems kind of upset, it's weird but sad and hard to explain
  • in bruges the end v.o colin firth does getting carted on the ambulance
  • my own private idaho : when mike tells scott favor he loves him, also the beginning and ending soliloquy and the daddy carroll scene
  • my sister's keeper : the montage after kate has met taylor ambrose and in the background it's playing better by regina spektor, and you see them in this diner at this cafe eating fries and there's some voice over from anna i think
  • only lovers left alive: that record spinning intro
  • romeo + juliet : the party scene, starting with the fishtanks. it's after romeo lifts his head out of the fountain and walks over to the fish tanks and sees juliet on the other side. that in itself i love, and beyond that the whole segment that plays out to des'ree singing kissing you
  • rushmore : the very end slow motion ball scene, when max is dancing with miss cross and ooh la la plays and the curtains finally sweep closed
  • stand by me: when chris starts crying about how he never thought a teacher would do that, really sad moment, great acting from phoenix
  • submarine:when lloyd tate gives oliver the mix cd and talks about ripping off his vest producing an atavistic reaction but actually i love every scene in that damn movie great job
  • the thing called love : in the convenience store when river proposes to samantha mathis even though this was a shit movie
  • the virgin suicides : definitely the prom scene, set to strange magic
  • trainspotting: i know this is horrible but honestly the o.d scene where ewan slips into the carpet and perfect day by lou reed plays cause the visual effects are so good and the music works so well
jun 28 2014 ∞
sep 16 2014 +