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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

  • in memento when leonard says he reads the bible religiously and then does that creepy off kilter laugh that makes you love him
  • at the end of the brothers bloom after (SPOILER) the older brother dies and rachel wiesz is in a field of sunflowers with adrien brody and it's sunny out, before he starts to cry
  • at the end of the double when they're on the bus, just as it hits the credits and 'the sun' starts playing
  • the bus stop scene in totoro & the cat bus scene when they first go inside the cat bus
  • whatever james marsden does with his voice at the end of it's hairspray when he says 'thaaat's me'
  • the blue chateau scene of the double
  • when simon james is running through the fog in the double
  • the end of stoker when mia wasikowska is about to kill that guy but it's in slow-mo and she's smiling
  • the scene in the rain, in in the mood for love
  • ewan mcgregor's od scene in trainspotting when he sinks into the carpet and can only see through a small dark window
  • in requiem for a dream when jenn and jared leto are laying on the carpet before all the bad stuff happens and talking about what they like about each other and she's wearing that sweater with the armpit cutouts
  • when eli cash reads the excerpt of his book that says 'friscalating dusklight'
  • when agnes and kristofferson are looking at each other in science class in the fantastic mr fox
  • the scene played to alone again or in bottle rocket
  • the song jim and jean sing together in inside llewyn davis
  • when the army guy is eating cereal in inside llweyn davis as well as everything he says essentially
  • the very end of wonderfalls when they play love will come through
  • when jaye and eric finally start dating
  • the cellophane kiss in pushing daisies
  • when james dean and natalie wood talk together in rebel without a cause in that old abandoned house and they're really carefree for once
  • when wendy gives peter pan a thimble in the live-action movie and he blushes bright red
  • the ooh la la scene in rushmore
  • when jordana scratches out 'you're fatally in love with me' on oliver's hand in submarine
aug 22 2014 ∞
apr 14 2015 +