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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


Sure here are some of my favorite blended things at the moment:

  • Soaked blanched almonds, coconut water, cacao powder, vanilla bean powder, almond extract, sea salt (add-on options: cinnamon, spinach, an espresso shot, cacao nibs, chia seeds)
  • Carrot juice, orange, green apple, squeezed lemon or lime, pomegranate powder, spinach, ginger, cucumber (I make some version of this most mornings)
  • Strawberries, raspberries, squeezed lemon, apple or carrot juice, acai powder, tiny slice of fresh jalapeño or shiso leaf, cucumber (add-ons kale, spinach, hemp protein, mint leaves, spirulina)
  • Spinach, almond milk, frozen banana, maca, almond extract, vanilla bean powder, spirulina, coconut meat, hemp protein
  • Almond milk: soaked shucked almonds, coconut water, water, vanilla bean powder, sea salt, almond extract
  • Spinach, kale, mint, apple juice, ginger, spirulina (stolen from Palm Greens Café in Palm Springs, this is a daily event when I'm there)

But I also don't really believe in smoothie recipes with exact amounts and really specific ingredients, it's a lot about varying it up so you get a bunch of different nutrients, how you can make the most out of what's in your kitchen, how sour you like things, etc. so just experiment a lot! For the liquid element play around with water/coconut water/juices/almond milk/whatever to see what ratios make sense for you.

Also coconut water is one of those things where every single brand tastes crazily different, my favorites are by Taste Nirvana, Amy & Brian, and Harmless Harvest. I think people that hate it in general have only tried like, Zico.

And I think it's worth shucking almonds to make your own almond milk, just take soaked almonds and boil them, the skins will really easy to remove afterwards.

And I use Trader Joe's organic apple and carrot juices.

Ok I'm done for now.

jun 27 2013 ∞
oct 2 2013 +