i'm my remote controller oh oh
- take mini bags for
- makeup/hair
- periods/ibuprofen etc
- chargers/headphone splitters/tablet stand
- pencils/pens/ministapler
- create coffee fund for going out to coffee shops and working, and make sure to do that at least once a week to get things done
- create a bus fund or buy a bus pass to help yourself get around without being exhausted
- try taking your bike out? or maybe invest in a better bike
- yoga and ballet for sanity fund!
- free yoga @ library
- $10 heated yoga
- $10 ballet classes
- get a ban.do planner
- maybe make a lunch meal plan
- make a grocery shopping list of stuff to buy for school lunches
- make a list of the books you need
aug 19 2016 ∞
nov 18 2016 +