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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


nobody ever hears what i say

  • practice reading out loud
  • print some poems out and practice reading them

i spend all my time on the internet

  • go outside at least once everyday, even if it's just a walk

there's nothing good to eat in school / i'm starving man

  • stockpile lunchbox recipes
  • get an indian tiffin or a bento box
  • get some snack containers
  • get a cool water bottle, a thermos, and an ice pack
  • make a list of the ingredients you'll need for these recipes

i am socially inept

  • talk talk talk at the science center / chat up some random people
  • switch volunteering days and meet whoever works then, start over
  • continue applying for jobs, pick one that requires you to be vocal
  • call up someone you don't normally talk to
  • write a few "love letters"

i don't know anything

  • read some books and keep reading
  • keep watching movies
  • do some research on astronomy and archaeology and botany, learn about what scares you, like BUGS
  • click around the net for some music you've never heard
  • trade playlists with someone
  • read articles; check out some magazines from the library or just go there to read them
  • keep writing and writing
  • submit your pieces to publications and contests

my friends all think i'm fucking judgemental

  • stop being so upfront with your distaste
  • brush it off when someone's acting like an idiot
  • or, say what you think

my summer is boring

  • save some money for august
  • make a list of all the places you want to go, and go there

i am an academic failure and endless procrastinator

  • finish all your summer reading by the end of july
  • maybe set yourself a time table

i have seasonal affective disorder (probably)

  • save up some money or get a groupon or find some free exercise classes you can take over the winter and fall, maybe try ballet
  • try to get a job that will allow you to continue working through the school year so you can stay busy and keep some cash on hand
  • get yourself an anywhere anything anytime journal and a for show journal and keep them around and keep writing and keep submitting
  • get yourself some weather appropriate clothes and keep going outside, utilize your bus pass, keep some money on hand and eat out w/friends, get coffee, go to the movies which you love

my face is weird

  • no it aint
  • keep using the whitening toothpaste till your teeth are bright
  • general hygiene probably helps

i look like a mess, help

  • buy lots of basics that go together
  • get lots of cool jackets
  • boots are important
  • use the makeup tips elif taught you
  • keep it simple, basics work best
  • get a bottle of perfume, use it
  • paint your nails

nobody takes me seriously

  • take yourself seriously
  • don't say um or like or maybe so much
  • look at people when you talk to them, don't worry about making them uncomfortable
  • take this list seriously
  • take your education seriously
  • take your friendships seriously
  • if somebody asks you what you want, tell them what you want
  • ask for help when you need it
  • stop telling people it's no big deal when it pisses you off
  • be ok on your own first

i don't know how to be by myself

  • yeah you do, you've been doing it all along
jul 1 2013 ∞
jul 20 2017 +