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I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


i'm not satisfied and i break the only pieces left alone the only world i've ever known imploding it's a break in conversation when i turn my eyes to you because i want to and ask you if it's all true what do i feel. i dont understand the difference when it's fake and when it's real when did reality ambush me with these feelings when did the moments that i sit back and sigh turn to the times i rest my head and cry i sigh wondering when the world stops turning tell me it's a break it's a mystery and i'm waiting for my time to be whoever it is I am tell me what i'm feeling my heart is blind i need you as a crutch tell me what i'm feeling cause it's feeling dangerous

i hope that you are the kind to believe me when i say...

i change my mind like traffic signs like truck stops inconsistant and disgusting tell my that you love me at least my heart will be amused it's already confused so show your hand and if i lose i accept just don't leave me me always wondering.

it's a mess. and i forget sometimes the differences between the pages i guess that you don't mind cause when i ask you're always there for overtime

baby i break, and it's a shame to call you by names i'd never- spit out the truth sing it like youth dancing circles under streetlights bother to care cause your late night sarcasm isn't a friend at my door and what i need is just to be adored who i am and as i am and

it's a mess. and i forget sometimes the differences between the pages i guess that you don't mind cause when i ask you're always there for overtime

you break i promise you send your lies a thousand miles praying for the day break praying for the moment when you'll shine you'll fake contentment, kid just say it like it is

it's a mess. and i forget sometimes the differences between the pages i guess that you don't mind cause when i ask you're always there for overtime

jun 19 2012 ∞
sep 10 2016 +