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I really love the sound of ice cracking on puddles in early spring and late autumn. And my father used to have an owl while growing up. His father used to work at a coal mine. Sometimes in my sleep the sun rises from a different shore and I have black eyes.

listography NEW NEWS
  • took my 10 films to be developed
  • went to the movies thrice:

(woody allens new movie about rome, purge (based on the novel by sofi oksanen) and tarkovsky's stalker - it was his birthday!)

  • started watching homeland - love claire
  • made chocolatechip cookies - love silvia
  • 17 days until my birthday (party)
  • 17 days of autumn left
  • 17 days of expectations
  • 17 days of school
  • 17 days of work
  • 17 days of running
  • 17 days of despair
  • 17 days for finding 23 candles
  • 17 days of joy
  • 17 days until my sister's birthday too - love eva
sep 25 2012 ∞
sep 25 2012 +