wayne thiebaud
- big bluffs ♥♥♥
- yellow dress ♥♥
- drink ♥
- palm hill and farm cloud ♥
- milkshake and sandwiches ♥
- false flowers ♥
- memory mountains ♥
- y river ♥
- menu flowers ♥
- sunset streets ♥
- san francisco west side ridge ♥
- two paint cans ♥
- cake box ♥
- green dress ♥
- his self-portrait ♥
- and everything here & there ♥♥
"photography starts with everything while painting starts with nothing to make something." -him ♥
david hockney
- still life on glass table ♥
- the sermon on the mount ii (after claude) ♥
- late spring tunnel ♥♥
- woldgate lane to burton agnes ♥
- early blossom woldgate ♥
- wheatfields off woldgate ♥
- hawthorne blossom near rudston ♥
- may blossom on the roman road ♥
- a gap in the hedgerow ♥
- portrait of an artist (pool with two figures)
- halaconia in green vase
- mt. fuji and flowers
- used chair qt
- man in shower in beverly hills
- a bigger splash
- yosemite i
- birth, and copulation and death. that's all the facts when you come to brass tacks. yeah seriously lmao
- his self-portraits
- y'know just click here lol
- he does A LOT of artworks which i like a lot ♥
- also look at the navigation bar in his website, he used my fave color palette omg
henry matisse
- interior with phonograph ♥♥
- anemone and mirror ♥
- joy of life ♥
- the pink studio ♥
- bouquet of mixed flowers ♥
- floral paintings ♥
- the goldfish
- woman with a hat
- l'atelier rouge
- woman in a purple coat
damian elwes
- matisse's painting studio in nice ♥
- matisse's studio in collioure ♥
- matisse’s balcony (hotel regina, nice) ♥
- monet's studio at giverny ♥
- gauguin's studio in marquesas islands ♥
- matisse's studio in collioure iii
- frida kahlo's studio
- calder's home
- miro's studio
- matisse studios ♥
paul peel
llewelyn lloyd
artists on twitter
may 5 2018 ∞
jan 2 2025 +