• a group of hungry lions hunting a single big old elephant
  • a group of armed men shooting a leopard to steal its fur
  • my lebanese friend, who sought refuge in brazil after lebanese 2006 war, seeking shelter after hearing a serie of fireworks from the sky here, mistaking them for gun firings or bombs
  • a 6-year-old homeless girl passing by my mother's car while she was driving me somewhere 5 years ago or so. she was going to ask for money, but the windows were all shout down and my mother was on the cellphone. she then stopped by the window of the back seat from the left and drew out of the dust a heart there. and left. the heart remained for weeks.
  • a friend trying to excuse or explain to me her father's junkie behavior while he kept shouting nonsense in front of everyone
  • my grand grandmother crying in a hospital bed scared that any of her daughters would get mad at her for her getting runned over by a car
  • my grandmother holding back a long due hug because of covid19
feb 3 2013 ∞
jun 8 2020 +