- bananas
- cheese
- pasta
- rice
- apples
- peas
- popsicles
- fruit snacks
- cheddar bunnies
- "Elmo" crackers
- oranges
- airplanes
- tractors
- diggers
- trains
- fire trucks
- school buses
- streetcars
- dump trucks
- playing tea party
- putting her baby and elephant to bed
- playing with her train set
- going down slides at the playground
- swinging
- playing in the sandbox
- playing with the kitchen set
- playing with diggers, trucks, etc.
- running around naked
- pouring food from one bowl/cup to another
- dancing
- trying on shoes
- playing "mama and papa and uncle john" with mom
- doing row, row, row your boat on mom's belly
- singing the Wheels on the Bus (with hand gestures and telling me what to say next [e.g., people on the bus, mommy on the bus, daddy on the bus, baby on the bus])
- the CN Tower
- dogs
- cats
- seeing her daycare friends outside of daycare
- her stroller
- her Baby
oct 16 2011 ∞
oct 19 2011 +