- CLEAN ROOM. This is a must. I feel like Katrina just hit.
- Do laundry. I'm running out of underwear. That's never good.
- Write my goshdern resume. I am in dire need of a job. Seriously.
- Attempt to feng shui my room. I wonder how THAT will go.
- Buy a ridiculously extensive dictionary and thesaurus set. I hope it doesn't break the bank, so to speak.
- Come up with a great baked potato soup recipe. I think I can, I think I can...
- Buy Kayla's birthday present. Even though I'm broke. See above, numero tres.
- Buy a shoe organizer for my closet. The doors won't close as of now.
- Get ready for the 4th of July weekend bash with Melissa! Paaaarrrrtttaaaaayyyyy.
- Make more lists.
jun 30 2008 ∞
jul 12 2008 +