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  • Rosianna's thoughtful and articulate videos, now daily for her vlogmas, especially 'The Martian is a Christmas Film'
  • i almost forgot how absolutely delicious inari sushi is
  • the heavenly French brioche from Rewe
  • displays of English books with beautiful covers and a variety of different editions from authors i love
  • looking at cute guinea pigs and lazy bunnies, roaming a great supermarket i have not been to yet with lots of exicting crisps, mueslis and cheeses
  • inquisitive squirrels with tufted ears and white, soft-looking bellies
  • my patchwork quilt on top of my double duvet and the exquisite warmth it creates
  • talking about Bob Dylan being a master of his form late at night on the phone, while the crisp december air is streaming in through the window
  • the delightful new 'Der Bratapfel' stall on the Christmas market in Bonn and their crisp roasted Elstar apples, filled with nuts and raisins and a dot of jam on top
dec 1 2016 ∞
jan 2 2017 +