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  • sitting and lounging on the couch, having Charlotte play with my hair, leaning on Aaron
  • black tea ~ damn, that stuff always kicks me into high-functioning mode
  • Ilaria cut my hair quite a bit shorter and it looks absolutely fantastic
  • so exciting! For the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death this year, Hogarth Press from Penguin Random House is going to publish amazing retellings of Shakespeare plays as novels by famous writers! Anne Tyler's 'Vinegar Girl' (Taming of the Shrew) will be out in June 2016, Jeanette Winterson's 'The Gap of Time' (Winter's Tale) is out already, but Margaret Atwood's novel (The Tempest) unfortunately does not have a publication date yet
  • i just booked "modern greek" evening classes! and they're already starting next week :)
  • having bought tickets for 2 theatre plays + 1 poetry slam to go to with Charlotte in the next weeks
  • i bought myself two fancy new lipsticks in "velvet matt", one of them even a really dark shade!
  • the weekend issue of the 'Süddeutsche Zeitung' always makes me happy, especially the 'style' part
  • how nice & easy it is now to go to the museum with my ellah card
  • this lovely 1Live interview with Roger Willemsen
  • blue skies and sunshine!
  • coming into the kitchen and in that very moment the radio starts playing Adele's "Hello" :)
  • listening to a discussion about 'Anarcha-Feminismus' and really appreciating how careful and tactful everyone phrased their points
  • FRIENDS ~ seeing Sarah & Sylvia again when visiting the film museum in Düsseldorf and on the same day coming home to the most gorgeous belated birthday package from Katy ♥
  • Shamsia Hassani and her amazing feminist graffiti art in Afghanistan
  • book post from the KiWi publishing house for me to review
  • Elementary S4E12 ~ Sherlock using unicorns and a cupcake to stage the fortress of a biker gang :)
  • sticking little messages of kindness all over the Südstadt in Bonn as guerilla art
  • walking home from Greek class, feeling my mind bursting and calming down at the same time
  • my favourite cashier at REWE gifted me a bunch of pink roses ♥♥♥ (because i told her how happy the daffodils i bought the last time made my housemate)
  • fresh bread slices with eggs and watercress!
feb 1 2016 ∞
mar 5 2016 +