- the first figs and conkers of the season ♥
- an insightful & helpful therapy session, a big kiss ("dicker Kuss") from Lea Linster over the phone because i helped her with her order, a really nice lunch break in which i was funny and people liked my stories, a lovely evening with my colleagues at Pützchens Markt with chips and cotton candy as big as my head, a message from Fiona that her little August package had reached her and made her really happy, a lovely review from Stephan from Vienna with a private note that he loves the honey we gave him as a parting gift :)
- heavy rain, a rainbow
- quite a big slice of 'Frankfurter Kranz' cake
- a colleague sharing some of her mirabelles with me
- people knocking on the table to show their appreciation for me in a meeting at work (initiated by my colleague Stephan)
- flambéed apricot pancakes
- sitting directly next to Frank Schätzing for 15 mins.
- discovering 'Haferkater' (Scottish porridge with different toppings) in Cologne & 'Upper Crust' (a tearoom with British foods, full English breakfast and cream tea, Bonner Talweg 88) in Bonn
- English tea and French biscuits on a Sunday morning
- a rainbow, autumnleafbrown & skyblue
- my boss telling me to go home half an hour early because it was supposed to be the last day with nice weather & petting two lovely scruffy dogs on the same evening
sep 5 2017 ∞
oct 1 2017 +