
  • i ship leokasa and izumako! if this bothers you then.. just block me.
  • i most likely have an inferiority complex, and it may be very prominent at times. please note that i am trying to work through this!
  • i have adhd, social/general anxiety, and depression. i suspect that i may have avpd, but i haven't gotten diagnosed with it yet. also, i experience psychosis!
  • i often say kms as a joke
  • i probably won't accept your rq if you think you're any of my mutuals, even if i don't consider them a friend yet
  • i need tws for the app k/k (i) and irl gore/really detailed drawn gore
  • i would really appreciate a cw for izuleo, shumika, himiko toga, s/h, and real pictures of cigars/cigarettes (drawings are fine). you don't *need* to cw it but it is appreciated!
apr 21 2021 ∞
apr 21 2021 +