-- This report is for the eyes of authorized personnel only. Individuals without sufficient clearance that have been exposed to the following information must immediately be proceeded for questioning and subsequent memory wiping. --


[date and time unknown], Site 31-XA. This report refers to the incident of XXXXXX's escape attempt and following recontainment procedures.


"This place is driving me insane, boss.

I'm a mere scientist in 31-XA, yet I'm barely able to work with the constant fear of what's lurking right underneath my shoes. It's counterproductive to keep anyone non-essential in here, if you ask me.

I figure it was about... no, I don't have a clue what time it was. The building's cut off from everything outside save for the security camera feeds in the guard stations, and I don't belong there."

(Someone should just kill that damn girl off. It'd do us wonders in terms of safety.)

"What was that, Doctor?"

"Nothing, nothing. Moving on.

Whatever time it was, I'd just gotten a call from one of the containment security chiefs down in cell... 070. Apparently, I was needed down there for an ongoing experiment of theirs. Nothing good ever comes from any experiment run by the security team.

As soon as I got there, [name expunged] pushed a pen and a clipboard onto me. A contract about agreeing to help unconditionally and having my memory wiped after the proceedings, I recall. Seems my memory still has some use before being wiped, hmm? Bunch of pawns, the lot of us."

"Please don't get sidetracked, Doctor."

"Anyway, I signed the damn thing and was led into a room with a big metal door. The door opened, and there was another door waiting. And another. And another. I'd say around ten doors in total. As we went through the last one, a couple lights blinked on inside the room.

It was weird, to say the least. The lights were set on either side of the ceiling, but they lit up a bed in the center of the room like a spotlight.

Lying down on the bed was some teenage girl I'd never seen before. Naked, except for the light blanket covering her below the neck. She looked to have fallen asleep clutching a kid's plush doll. I couldn't contain my curiosity as to what the hell was a little girl doing in there, and asked away.

"So, uh, who is this and what is she doing-"

"This girl is our founder's daughter. She's kept in here for her own safety."

Sure answered my question pretty well.

"That's just a regular old teenager, though. Why not just give her some expensive apartment outside?" I said, sounding monotone. "And pay her a scholarship at a private college, too. Why's she buried under a hundred feet of iron?"

"Begin the procedure."

I thought the guy was ignoring me, and god, did it tick me off. Just as he gave the order, though, one of the guards came up to the bed and pulled off the girl's blanket. Now it would've made my day seeing a cutie's naked body like that, but life isn't really so kind to me.

Her body was covered in huge red surgery scars all across her chest and stomach. The backs of her arms were covered in smaller cuts that looked like self-inflicted stuff to me, but there was nothing in sight anywhere in the room that could be used to cut with. I figure someone must've done that to her as well. Maybe a form of torture.

Needles, connected to tubes and then to bags of dripping medicine, pierced different points of her arms. A larger tube connected the base of her neck to a machine. A breathing tube, like ones you'd see in any normal hospital.

A scar going around her whole elbow was still bright red and healing, and it looked like her arm had been amputated and sewn back in. But most of all, her hands. Her hands had been cleanly skinned, and the severed arteries cauterized. The muscles and bone underneath were exposed for the world to see."

"Please detail this "procedure" further, Doctor."

"Yeah, yeah. One of the guards got the blanket off her, and the other grabbed hold of one of her arms and injected something light green straight into it.

"The experiment is now underway. Doctor, we've called you down here to report on whatever unexpected goes on. Please use the blank pages left in the clipboard I gave you."

"The hell? That's all? You could've just gotten one of your guards to-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. The girl's body spasmed once, and the guards immediately pointed the laser aims of their rifles at her head.

Before anyone could react, the girl got up, ripping the tubes and needles connected to her body, and flew past the two guards by pushing the bed backwards.

The chief yelled "Move it! She can't get away! Seal every single one of the iron doors!", but with no results. Guards didn't move an inch.

"Damn it! Move it, scientist! We've gotta leave this room!"

He then pulled me by the arm and out of the room. Just as the door closed behind us, a loud explosion sounded back in there, along with the wet sound of ripping and falling meat. I pity whoever has to go back down there and clean up those poor guys' remains.

We dashed out through the doors we'd just come through. As the starting door was in sight, I heard a sound right behind me.

I turned back, and there she was. Brown hair waving in the wind, even though the ventilation down there was far too weak for even a light breeze. Wounded body same as before, except for one detail.

I couldn't make out her previously skinned-alive hands. I couldn't see anything beyond a black blur covering half of her arms.

"Don't stare at her! Let the guards take care of this!", the chief yelled. Sure enough, more guards came out the door we'd just gotten to. They passed by us, and shot away at the girl in a firing squad formation.

The shooting didn't seem to stop, until everyone in the corridor picked up a loud noise fighting the weapons' gunpowder explosions. A scream. The loudest scream I'd ever heard. The guards quit firing as soon as they'd heard, and squatted down while covering their ears. Me and the chief did the same.

Once the screaming finally stopped, I couldn't make out anything more than a fingertip away from my eyes. Everything was a complete blur. A single shadow stood further from me than the chief and the guards, but not for long.

Just like back in the dimly-lit room, the girl pushed back the air behind her and dashed forward. She landed with a loud thud somewhere next to our group.

And then, another scream sounded. More than one. It couldn't be the girl again, if that was the case, eh?

It was the guards who'd just come in.

The black blurs of their figures slowly but surely shifted to red as their screams were drowned out by the sound of meat being pounded flat.

The door's opening sounded right behind me, and another figure dashed right past. The damn good-for-nothing security chief ran right through. I was far too dazed to make it, and the door closed before I had any chance to react.

I was scared shitless, naturally. The girl- no, the monster would turn to me right after it was done with the guards.

It happened sooner than I thought. The monster dashed me straight into the wall next to the door.

Time loses all meaning when you're afraid for your life. All I could feel was an intense stare right in front of me, ready to rip my body in half as soon as it felt like it. Humans are fragile things.

Then, in the middle of my panic, a speaker crackled to life right above me.

"Run away as fast as you can! I need to close her behind a door!", I recognized that old security coward's voice.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"She'll be dazed if you push her away! Just make it past a single door, and I promise you'll be fine!"

I figured it was either die or die a few moments later. I listened to the guy and pushed the monster away with all my strength, and made a run for the very first door. It started closing even before I ran past it, and I jumped under the gap without even thinking to look back.

But then, as I was safe, I looked. Through a single glass pane in the door.

The most furious and destruction-filled eyes I'd ever seen, fixated on me. That thing was far from human; all that could be felt from it was pure bloodlust.

"We're filling the room with a paralyzing sleeping agent. Stay back, Doctor. We don't know how long the door will hold." So much for "I promise you'll be fine".

And then, it began again. That scream I'd never wanted to hear again.

That long, blood-curdling scream. I covered my ears before my eardrums ruptured.

"There, there, don't fight it. It'll all be over soon.", said the speaker again.

As the screaming had stopped, I felt a brief moment of relief.

That was, again, taken from me by the loud noise of breaking glass. A single blurry black arm extended out of the window, only to lose its grip and fall back inside.

The room grew silent, and that was it. I was led back out of the block once the monster had been recontained."

"Thank you for your report, Doctor. You'll find an amnesiac agent provided by our corporation right inside your breast pocket. You're required to take it before returning to your duties."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be going now."


[date and time unknown], site 31-XA

I got up from my bed. It felt like I'd gone through the worst nightmare of my life, though I couldn't remember much of it.

"Uh... Right, I should get to work."

I sat down at my table. A few minutes later, the phone started ringing just next to my hands.

"Lab 035, Site 31-XA.", I said as I picked it up.

"Good morning, doctor. This is the security chief for 31-XA.

We could use your assistance with an ongoing project. Please head down to holding block 070 for further instructions."

I couldn't even say anything before the guy hung up.

"Damn security team. Nothing ever goes right with them, I tell you." I said, as I walked out the door and made for the elevator down.

dec 12 2016 ∞
dec 12 2016 +