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Well where do I begin? First off I am not sure if I am a good list writer I probably just mumble but it is pretty fun to write lists. I hope mine are on topic and don't change haha!! I can thank kelsen for this I hope I please her with my lists!!!

  • Breaking my arm was pretty sweet, got a cool scar!
  • Shooting squirrels with chels in some awesome attire!
  • Going carp hunting quite often with many different people, and cutting out their eye balls, and squishing there eggs out! Gross but oh so cool people!!
  • Probably spray painting the tunnel I am out of high school so we can write about it!
  • Skinny dipping at like 4 in the morn!!
  • Capsizing a canoe with good ole Dal,Wade,Annie,Chels, and myself!! Then getting to ride in an ambulance!!
  • Going to the swing every time of bordom, and doing some awesome crazy things!!
  • Walking around the loop with steph at midnight and freaking ourselves out!! (Annie had to come get us)
  • Going mudding with stephanie oh man we had some fun four-wheeler rides!
  • Going under my apartment! Shhh lets not tell anyone but it was so COOL!!
  • Going to the trains at late hours of the night!
  • Smith runs just for the heck of it!
  • Having our annual skinny dipping adventure on the 4th or 24th of July!
  • Going on rides of spring canyon just to roast some mallows, or go on bear ridge or partake of the spring!
  • Sliding down chel's icy hill, wow it was forever ago but we did it a lot in some crazy cool rubber shoes!!
  • Riding everywhere on Chel's motorcyle, I mean everywhere to coalville,wanship,up spring canyon.
  • Tubing down the weber many different times, every time an adventure and some good memories!
  • This list will be continued when i remember more!
oct 11 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +