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Well where do I begin? First off I am not sure if I am a good list writer I probably just mumble but it is pretty fun to write lists. I hope mine are on topic and don't change haha!! I can thank kelsen for this I hope I please her with my lists!!!

  • We all know I will start with my Madre CON CON!! She has to be the greatest MOTHER in the WORLD. She is always understanding and lets me be my CRAZY self, and lets me stay out at random hours of the night doing I don't know. AND she is always there for me to ramble or cry too, always and not only is she there she will listen and have something great for me to hear, she always understands and harldy gets mad at me not because she can't get mad she is just understanding that I am a young teenage girl. OH man I could go on for a couple of days or even years, but just know that I LOVE HER, and when she leaves I will be a totally different person without her!
  • FATHER- I have a very interesting relationship with this fella I Love him don't get me wrong, I have learned many things from him, I wish I had a better relationship with him but I have always been a mommas girl ALWAYS.I remember the days of feading sheep dreading it so much but in the end I had a lot of fun. Then trapping with him "Oh jacie drive up there and walk around the four wheeler 10 times and I will be there" 20 min pass and coyote noises. Me thinking oh good I am going to be dead when my dad comes, I was actually crying while thinking this, only to find out it was him oh man he did that more then once. He has taught me so much and taught me how to work hard, and he is always there for a HUG!!
  • Bret- We have always had an interesting relationship him and candice always picked on me growing up always and one thing I remember from my childhood I was a tattle tale and they would plot fake fights so I would go tattle on them and then be like see Jacie you are such a baby. Then tie me up treat me like a dog, but then one day when he came down that escalator at the SLC airport he was a changed man. He has always been there for me through the dang breakups, scary college change, what to do with my life talks. I can always send him a text and get a reply that has something that I like to hear. He wants to move back east one day and I will miss him ,but hey a good reason to go back east!
  • Candice- We are sisters that is for sure we played barbies, dolls, house, lego's, and of coarse the sweet sister fights. We shared a room and bed for a while and I remember she would always hog the covers so I would go wake up mom to pull them over for me. She taught me how to drive stick it was an adventure, shared the clothing, then she had to leave me for the big sky country. I do love that girl so much, she taught me that I do have to care what I look like in the morning and did my hair for the longest time, she pulled and ratted burned, but in the end it was the new trend!! Even though she is far we have great convo's about the good ole days and what we want out of life, one day we are going to be chasing our kiddlings around together!
  • Natie aka Poop head (inside joke I can't let you in on). He came into this world way to soon at a massive weight of 2 1/2lbs. I was no longer the spoiled baby, but I didn't really know how severe his life was being threatened to be taken away. I knew it wasn't right for him to have tubes coming from every angle of his body, but he was a live right? Me and mom were by his side everyday after my physical therapy. I remember her wedding ring fitting loosly around his 4 fingers. Even though he bugs me and I beat him up quite often I am sure I wasn't the baby or I would have had some boring years after candice left me. I had to drag him off of his life line (the computer), to go outside or a bike ride, but I got him off of it. We have somewhat deep convo's as deep as a 12 year old can go. He has always been there for me to ask if this outfit looks good, not sure why I trusted his boy oppinon? He will do many great things in life from being the nerd, to the computer geek. I love him very much and I am glad he is up to at least 60lbs now.
  • Now I am going to do my friends I could do grandparentals I will but friends I will do now. Don't judge the order I am just doing what one pops up first.
  • Chels- I guess I will start with you we have been friends the longest. From the time you took me to your house after yw on old putterson boy didn't I know how many miles we would put on that thing. From our otter pop jumping days to bouncing me into the net, then walking our lambs for the fair haha we sure took it serious. Then all the times it was just me you and liz when your parents were on vacation. We did scare the crap out of ourselves qutie a bit, and then imagening some dude under your bed or outside by your window, then the two hours we sat in your bathroom thinking wyatt could save us. Then the walks to coalville, the bike rides, cap sizing in echo, you cutting your legs that one summer you wanted to get some memory scars, hahah you got them. Going to your cabin with your fam and driving every corner of richfield, oh and when we were in taco bell and we did the morgan high hahah, Oh and the famous ACW days hahah I will never forget our emotional selves. Wow chels I could go on for days with memories of you and me, you were there for me through tears of sadness and tears of overly laughter!! I am saddened to see what has happened to our friendship, but maybe one day it will be back to where it was! I LOVE you sooo much and thankyou for all the great memories!
  • Steph a dillio- OH wow I remember when you moved here I thought you looked like a little girl how you were dressed. We didn't get a long to well infact we were brats to eachother. I always remember talking about you with derek when you two were dating. Then something happened and we were with eachother arm in arm literally walking everywhere. Cross country was always an adventure, not sure why we did that sport? Then when I decided to stop being aneroxic (sp) and I mooched off your grandmas. We have some great lunch memories!! Our many sleepovers in your great bed talking for hours anoying jen when she was a nerd. Then good ole soph year you and cado and me and wyatt ahahah wow. We had a lot of adventures awkward for me, and then DON'T TOUCH MY RADIO!! OK!! JUNIOR year oh wow probably the most memorable from my high school days wow does that seem weird to say that. We sure did have a lot of fun with cado and colby, we always imagined being sister in laws. You were always there to come along even when caden was being lame. From our many many smith runs to get jones sodas, there not even that good! Driving up east canyon just for fun, sledding down that huge a hill. Going to every basketball and football game just to cheer them on! We were a little overly obsessed just a little. Wow I could go on a while, but now you have left me for mormonville BYU. I miss taking random pictures with you at every moment!! You have always had a good shoulder to lean on, cry on, jump on hahah. I LOVE you soo much and we will raise our kidlings together even if I am poor and you are rich I don't care.
  • Kelsen- Your prob the only friend that will read this and Annie of coarse!)

I can still remember the day perfectly when you walked into mrs. grants and hearing your last name was kitchen. No I didn't make fun of you like cody, but I found it rather odd, oh and you could spell supercailfragilistc, hahah I don't think i can spell it yet. I remember when you were building your new house and we walked up teh lane and got flowers to make perfume hahah I am sure it smelt better then any well known perfume. Then playing buffalo bill in your room, oh and prank calling people hahha we thought we were sneaky kong fu chicken!! We had a little gap then late junior year we began our adventures again. Great days at the swing, oh many many great times there, driving around in good ole screecher hahah don't worry closing your eyes when you see a deer helps you will miss it. Then working at Cold Stone oh you made it always possible for us to have an exuse to go get fat!! And my innie birthday cupcakes!! You have always been there to tell me I am smarter then I give myself credit for, and I truly love it not because i like to think oh yeah go me, but you are smart so I believe you! Now we are up her in college omg yeah you heard me college!! We have had some great times up here together and with our roomies. Oh and great convo's in your car forget the name. I know this isn't spelled check and grammer perfect just forgive me ok? I do love you kels and am ready for all adventures we have a head of us, and I am excited to see what you do with your smartness, you will go far very far, just don't forget me ok? Thanks

  • Annie- yes it is your turn let me go bathroom real fast ok? ok I am back that fast yes I know!! Wow annie so I am going to say something that might creep you out a bit. I first met you well not met but heard of you when I had piano lessons and lindsays house, she would always beg to have you come over and play. hahah creepy I know I am. Our friendship had always been around in high school but not as good as it is now, and I think now to what I may have missed, I hope we have more memories to make up for lost time. I would hang out with you and your (groupies) sorry I was one of them to call you that. Our first great memory would have to be Echo, hahah that was a great laugh dal wanted to kill us, but were girls we laugh. Then when you ditched dal to come paint cream walls somewhere, then going skinny dipping at 4 in the morning. Then when we went and snuck on chabree at the swing and I kind of farted and of coarse I laughed a little hahah maybe a lot. Then we came back and you would not get in the water, this next summer you will get in the water!! We had some awesome times during the play hahah oh that great play! Then the day before I left for this crazy place called college, you better come up here with me! You freaked out so much and can I tell you how much that made my night you made me feel so loved, I knew our friendship was more then something casual that sounds weird but I don't have a big dictionary in this head of mine. From that night on you have been there to hear my crazy stories, my freaking out, my venting stories. You really are a great example for me to always strive to be better. I love our conversations I always find out I am not the only one that has those crazy thoughts in my head. I am excited for you to graduate and experience the real world I sound like i have it all figured out but I sure as h do not no no!! I love you soo much and I am so glad i did that stupid play or I am a afraid we woudln't be as close as we are.
  • Woodlet (Wade)

We may have known eachother the longest out of the rest of you guys. Your good ole mom tended me I remember always watching pochontas (sp), and jumping on your tramp in the basement I thought that was so cool it was in your basement. We always had a mutual friendship growing up a high every once in a while, but it wasn't until your fresh year that we became really close thanks to chels, wow. That is very interesting to think that is who brought us together, and now testing it, I think it only made us stronger. I remember always getting teased that I was always with you in high school, attached to the hip we are hahah. Hahah and when I broke up with wyatt your like wade don't you? Our many many fourwheeler rides up spring canyon to bear ridge, sargents cabin, then riding on every trail we could find. Oh and the time I rammed the gate into you, oh that was not a pretty moment at all. Then our the many times I slept over at your house after watching movies. Then all the times I would join your family for family vacations, I was adopted into the family soon after. We have had pleanty of good talks that I will never forget, and our many good times moving pipe, washing windows, and our great adventure capsizing, and going to the swing, riding bikes... You better not go to snow no no no!! Love you wade. More to come soon

nov 23 2009 ∞
nov 23 2009 +