- absent note
- tok quiz (p138-153)
- tok test (locke to schopenhauer)
- was readings (x2)
- come in and look at IB eng paper examples
- eng notecard
- bio hardy-weinberg quiz
- tok
- make up tok test (wed during 6th?)
- make up tok quiz from thurs
- was
- mao readings (x2)
- finish mao reading IDs
- IA due friday (lol ok)
- eng
- math studies
- geometric sequences ws
- catch up with hw
- IA due wednesday
- set up survey!!!!
- bio
- finish AP lab 8
- hardy-weinberg make up on wednesday, in class
- tok
- tok make up test date: thurs during 6th
- was
- khrushchev reading
- mao readings (x3)
- eng
- math studies
- bio
- finish gizmo
- need IA ideas
- hardy-weinberg quiz tomorrow
- tok
- make up locke - schopenhauer test tomorrow (during 6th)
- was
- work on IA
- finish readings
- mao test friday
- eng
- math studies
- bio
- IA topics due friday
- ask about missing ws
- tok
- was
- mao test tomorrow
- IA due tomorrow aaaaaah
- finish all readings
- eng
- P&G QUIZ #4 today
- notecard for tomorrow
- math studies
- bio
- IA topics due tomorrow
- finish gizmo
- tok
- tok paper due tuesday
- make up last quizlet
- was
- eng
- math studies
- catch up with hw
- quiz on tuesday
- bio
feb 11 2013 ∞
feb 19 2013 +