- tok
- was
- IA possible sources & their use list due friday
- english
- HoD pt. I quiz today
- HoD pt. II on wednesday
- HoD project due on 22 jan
- IOC prep
- math studies
- 7.4 bookwork hw
- quiz on wednesday
- test on friday
- bio
- read option F packet p591-595
- finish gel electrophoresis ws
- finish IA research
- tok
- was
- read in IBPB p1-24 (???)
- take home IBPB & "we now know"
- english
- math studies
- 7.5 bookwork hw
- quiz tomorrow
- problem session due tomorrow
- bio
- finish option F packet (+ notes)
- figure out what plant to use/where to get it for IA
- tok
- was
- eng
- work on HoD project
- questions #2 & #3
- HoD pt. II quiz today
- math studies
- bio
- work on lab
- debate prep in class tomorrow
- tok
- was
- gaddis ch2 reading & questions due tuesday
- IA reference list (annotated bib style)
- eng
- HoD pt. III quiz tomorrow
- math studies
- probability test tomorrow
- hw due tomorrow
- bio
- debate prep time in class tomorrow
- IA experimental design due tuesday
jan 14 2013 ∞
jan 22 2013 +