- tok
- reading quizlet tomorrow (p101-109)
- was
- finish gaddis
- work on extended reference list
- english
- HoD presentation tomorrow
- make up HoD quiz #3 wed. or thurs. AM (@ 7)
- order power & glory
- ask neha if she wants a copy
- math studies
- combinations book hw
- IA topic ideas
- make up probability test on thursday
- bio
- finish lab?
- IA
- edit lab write up
- need elodea & baking soda
- figure out dark/light thing
- debate tomorrow
- tok
- reading quizlet tomorrow (p110-119)
- was
- eng
- make up HoD pt.III quiz tomorrow morning!!
- HoD presentation today
- math studies
- hw ws
- probability test make up in class tomorrow
- bio
- finish pGLO
- send lab link (n, lauren, kristina, arifa)
- prep for debate lol lemme die
- go talk to verdin
- ask ruzycki about EE mtg
- parent note for friday absence
- order p&g
- tok
- was
- ambrose reading & questions due monday
- eng
- turn final EE into
- math studies
- PROBABILITY TEST make up today
- back of class ws for hw
- bio
- debate on monday
- microbes & biotech test tomorrow
- tok
- was
- finish ambrose for monday
- pick up IA books
- eng
- read mexico article for monday, quiz over it
- IOC prep
- upload EE to turnitin
- math studies
- work on IA topics
- book hw
- bio
- start IA on monday
- do some debate prep
jan 22 2013 ∞
jan 28 2013 +