- tok
- reading check tomorrow over aristotle chapter
- was
- comm apps
- need manuscript, double spaced
- math studies
- test tomorrow 2.1-2.6
- hw due tomorrow
- need to do 2.6
- check older book work
- bio
- test on monday
- read p76-82
- ws????
- syllabus units for next test:
- english
- abstract due tomorrow
- final p&p quiz tomorrow
- p&p group presentation tomorrow
- tok
- aristotle quiz today
- need book for class tomorrow
- was
- comm apps
- math studies
- unit 2 test today
- problem session due tomorrow
- bio
- read p269-276 in IB book (due friday)
- read lab pt. 1
- english
- oleanna group reading assgn.
- last p&p quiz today
- abstract due today
- jane austen presentation today
- tok
- was
- comm apps
- math studies
- bio
- finish notes
- send data to lauren, get slope(s) info
- english
- in the library thurs & fri
- need EE advisor sheet
- email verdin
- note for dentist appt tomorrow
- tok
- greek philosophy test today
- was
- comm apps
- math studies
- bio
- finish IB book notes for tomorrow
- english
- need EE works cited for tomorrow
- need dentist note for monday
- tok
- was
- comm apps
- math studies
- 3.4 hw (book)
- quiz on monday
- bio
- photosynthesis & cellular respiration test on monday
- IB chapters 3 & 9
- syllabus topics due for bonus pts
- 25 mc, 1 DBQ, 4 short answer, 2 essay
- A lunch
- eng
- works cited due (extended essay)
- intellectual map
- dentist note!!!!
sep 24 2012 ∞
oct 2 2012 +