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  • we pulled out our best hats slash head-wear and put our party pants on.
    • skinned raccoons, bunny ears, tiny veils, accidental hats and even zac effron was sporting a giants cap (his fave team obvi).
  • in an effort to get the party moving a little quicker, i busted out sensei tang's homemade, cardboard dice and we kicked off the night with a little seven-eleven-or-doubles.
    • i think it only really got my own individual party started, but i'm not sure if anyone else was feeling it.
  • friends of friends arrived and it was good chats all around. i talked about costa rica, possible septum piercings, matching tattoos, banana crepes, and, unfortunately, the hassle of studying for fluids.
  • i encouraged the initiation of a dance off between jax and curtis, but got totally side-tracked and missed the whole thing while talking to maria, the only other person who wanted see it happen.
    • from what i hear it was pretty epic, but i don't think it could ever beat the dance off between jax and the man in the orange shirt. nothing tops that.
  • one friend of a friend happily danced with whatever he could get his hands on and i loved every second of it.
    • ex: a giant wooden spoon and a cheetah print broom. too good.
  • ry promised to walk me home when i was ready, but once he got to anne's he ended up staying for two hours before we left. what a good bestie, that guy.
  • as we made our rounds to say good-bye to everyone, i walked into the kitchen to find jax furiously chopping cilantro next to a pile of onions and tomatoes.
    • yada yada yada, it was the best salsa i've ever had.
feb 3 2010 ∞
may 30 2010 +