• we went to a party complete with turkey hands, feather headbands, and fall colored paper chains and i was surprised to find a lot more familiar faces than i had anticipated
  • the most EPIC dance off of the quarter between jax and a giant man in an orange shirt took place to the sounds of beyonce's "sweet dreams"
    • there were jazz hands and pelvic thrusts flying all over the place
  • a lazy day at home on saturday led to a lazy night at jax where we got a little stir crazy and decided that we needed to do something creative to get our brains working
    • we ended up making friendship bracelets...not for each other, but for ourselves.
  • pizza cravings led us to round table at 10:30pm with ry drawing portraits of each other and playing would you rather. yuummm gourmet chicken and garlic.
    • on another note, the guy who brought out our pizza did a little bow as he walked away from the table, which is strange but fitting in that "sensitive ponytail guy" kinda way, until i noticed that his fly was completely down. then it was just plain awkward.
  • sunday was spent studying at catie's with erin while catie was away. i had been cat-sitting (even though they scare me quite a bit) and we just needed to get out of the house.
    • we ended up watching across the universe and a million episodes of grey's. it was all just too good. and lilly even let me pet her.

all in all, the weekend was packed and perf.

nov 20 2009 ∞
feb 8 2010 +