• too much time in the lib got my appetite going and inspired me to make the most delicious burger of my life
    • complete with swiss, avocado, grilled onions and some potato salad on the side...yummm.
  • after much debate i ended up at a birthday party for a friend of a friend's 21st
  • too many bodies and lots of sweat led us into a wonderfully air conditioned room upstairs where jax took control of the stereo and the dance party began
  • i found myself on the balcony chatting with some boys in the backyard below and had a "romeo and juliet moment" with one of them
    • for the record, he was the one who first called it that, not me...but i loved it :)
  • once we got home, my roommate's boyfriend answered the door in his skivvies, sometimes referred to as manties (man-panties), and i just couldn't stop laughing about this.
    • it was like having your dad barge into your slumber party to tell you and your friends to "quiet down, your mother and i are trying to sleep!"
  • a quick 12:30am visit to ry's which led to a brisk, but scary walk home in the dark

finally, as a result of last night...

  • i woke up to find a very confused freshman boy sitting on our couch unsure of how he ended up there, shyly asking me where he was and "which way is out?"
oct 18 2009 ∞
nov 20 2009 +