• a trip to cloud 9 for some hookah turned into a trip to a friend of a friend of a friend's house for a much larger sesh than anticipated with a house full of boys
  • one of these boys looked over at my friend, jlyn, and asked, "have you ever tased yourself?"
    • i'm pretty sure the weirdest thing about that was nobody else thought this was strange
  • an awkward rap battle that seemed to have no end
    • the winner had the best flow mainly because "he only did it once"
  • a mixture of pineapple and lemon was combined to create the a new flavor of shisha which we dubbed pemon
  • our friend, joe, hopped on a passing train only to jump off a 30 minute walk away from our house and continued to call himself "Tom Sawyer" for the rest of the night
jun 7 2009 ∞
oct 22 2009 +