- all the colors of the dark
- alucarda
- ari aster
- blood on satan's claw
- bodies bodies bodies
- braindead
- bram stoker's dracula
- byzantium
- carrie
- clive barker
- candyman
- hellraiser
- nightbreed
- clueless
- coen brothers
jan 18 2019 ∞ feb 17 2025 +
- coyotes and wolves howling
- fire crackling in a fireplace
- gregorian chants
- owls hooting in the dark
- summer crickets
- the ocean waves
- whales
jun 11 2024 ∞ feb 17 2025 +
- bears
- butterflies
- canides (coyotes, fennec foxes, foxes, jackals, wolves)
- crows & ravens
- falcons
- deers (chital, elks, fallow deers, gray brockets, marsh deers, mooses, mule deers, reindeers, roe deers)
- dogs (alaskan malamute, belgian shepherd, czechoslovakian wolfdog, german shepherd, saarloos wolfhound, samoyed, siberian husky)
- felines (canadian lynx, caracal, cats, cheetah, cougar, jaguar, leopard, lions, lynx, ocelot, snow leopard, tigers)
- horses
- moths
feb 11 2017 ∞ feb 21 2024 +
- arnold böcklin
- carl gustav carus
- caspar david friedrich
- claude monet
- dante gabriel rossetti
- edvard munch
- edward burne-jones
- elizabeth siddal
- ernst ferdinand oehme
- evelyn de morgan
- francisco goya
- gianlorenzo bernini
- gustav klimt
- gustave doré
- henry fuseli
- hilma af klint
- jean delville
- johann heinrich füssli
- john bauer
- john william waterhouse
- lawrence alma-tadema
jul 28 2019 ∞ sep 5 2023 +
- “believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
- “never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
- “i wish i could write as mysterious as a cat.”
- “deep in earth my love is lying/ and i must weep alone.”
- “and so being young and dipped in folly i fell in love with melancholy.”
- “i felt that i breathed an atmosphere of sorrow.”
- “and all i loved, i loved alone.”
- “invisible things are the only realities.”
- “deep into that darkness peering, long i stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” ― the raven
- “even in the grave, all is not lost.”
aug 31 2018 ∞ sep 8 2020 +
- "…i took refuge in the most perfect solitude. i passed whole days on the lake alone, in a little boat, watching the clouds, and listening to the rippling of the waves, silent and listless."
- "solitude was my only consolation - deep, dark, deathlike solitude.”
- "beware; for i am fearless, and therefore powerful."
- "…still it haunted me."
- "we will be monsters, alone in the world, but we will have each other."
- "to examine the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death."
aug 30 2018 ∞ mar 31 2021 +
- "a far sea moves in my ear." — from 'ariel'
- "everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." — from 'the unabridged journals'
- "god, I overflow with the vitality and ecstasy of being alive!"
- "i am jealous of those who think more deeply, who write better, who draw better, who look better, who live better, who love better than i." — from 'the unabridged journals'
- "i am possessive about time alone."
- "i am pretty much disgusted with human behavior most of the time."
- "i can never read all the books i want; i can never be all the people i want and live all the lives i want. i can never train myself in all the skills i want. and why do i want? i want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of ment..._'the unabridged journals'_
sep 14 2018 ∞ nov 1 2023 +
- "dreary, calm november days when there is but one cloud, but that one covers the whole heaven." ― geraldine and jane
- "the weather varies between heavy fog and pale sunshine; my thoughts follow the exact same process." ― diary entry dated 21 april 1918
sep 6 2018 ∞ sep 8 2020 +
- ✔ coco mellors - cleopatra and frankenstein
- ✔ donna tartt - the goldfinch
- elizabeth kostova - the swan thieves
- ✔ olivie blake - alone with you in the ether
- ✔ rachel kushner - the flamethrowers
mar 8 2024 ∞ sep 4 2024 +
- ✔ álvares de azevedo - noite na taverna
- bernardo guimarães - a dança dos ossos
- bernardo guimarães - o seminarista
- ✔ carolina nabuco - a sucessora
- fagundes varela - as bruxas (fantástico brasileiro: contos esquecidos, antologia por maria cristina batalha)
- fagundes varela - as ruínas da glória (panorama do conto brasileiro vol. ii, antologia por edgar cavalheiro e mário de silva brito)
- joão guimarães rosa - meu tio o iauaretê
- josé de alencar - encarnação
- machado de assis - contos fantásticos (antologia por raimundo magalhães júnior)
nov 1 2023 ∞ sep 16 2024 +
- ✔ carmilla by j. sheridan le fanu
- collected ghost stories by m.r. james
- ✔ dracula by bram stoker
- ✔ frankenstein by mary wollstonecraft shelley
- ✔ jane eyre by charlotte brontë
- ✔ la morte amoureuse by théophile gautier
- ✔ northanger abbey by jane austen
- penny dreadfuls: sensational tales of terror by stefan r. dziemianowicz, e.t.a. hoffmann
- ✔ perfume: the story of a murderer by patrick süskind
- ✔ rebecca by daphne du maurier
- the bloody chamber and other stories by angela carter
- ✔ the complete stories and poems by edgar allan poe
- ✔ the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
- the historian by elizabeth kostova
dec 27 2021 ∞ feb 21 2024 +
- daniel defoe - robinson crusoe (1719)
- ✔ edgar allan poe - the narrative of arthur gordon pym (1838)
- ernest hemingway - the old man and the sea (1952)
- herman melville
- mardi: and a voyage thither (1849)
- ✔ moby dick (1851)
- omoo: a narrative of adventures in the south seas (1847)
- rebdurn (1849)
- typee: a peep at polynesian life (1846)
- white-jacket; or, the world in a man-of-war (1850)
- jack london - the sea-wolf (1904)
- james fenimore cooper - the pilot: a tale of the sea (1823)
- joseph conrad
- ✔ heart of darkness (1899)
feb 5 2024 ∞ feb 20 2024 +
- a good man is hard to find and other stories by flannery o'connor
- a streetcar named desire by tennessee williams
- a visitation of spirits by randall kenan
- absalom, absalom! by william faulkner
- ✔ as i lay dying by william faulkner
- barn burning by william faulkner
- beloved by toni morrison
- blackwood farm by anne rice
- everything that rises must converge by flannery o'connor
- ✔ interview with the vampire by anne rice
- light in august by william faulkner
- midnight in the garden of good and evil by john berendt
- nothing gold can stay by ron rash
- the gold-bug by edgar allan poe
- ✔ the heart is a lonely hunter by carson mccullers
- the sound and the fury by william faulkne...
feb 19 2021 ∞ feb 25 2025 +
- alice hoffman
- magic lessons (2021 - sequel)
- practical magic (1995)
- the book of magic (2021 - prequel)
- the rules of magic (2017 - prequel)
- deborah harkness
- a discovery of witches
- shadow of the night
- the book of life
- hex, by olde heuvelt
- lolly willowes, by sylvia townsend warner
- the bass rock, by evie wyld
- the witches of eastwick, by john updike
- the witches, by roald dahl
- the witching hour, by anne rice
- the year of the witching, by alexis henderson
sep 1 2023 ∞ nov 27 2024 +
- ana mendieta
- ecology + feminism
- focused on a spiritual and physical connection with the earth
- influenced by afro-cuban traditions
- anne brigman
- photo secession movement
- nude women in primordial and naturalistic contexts
- natural landscapes and trees
- diane arbus
- francesca woodman
- eerie scenarios
- influence of gothic literature
- louis dazy
sep 5 2020 ∞ apr 11 2024 +
- abigail. agatha. agnes. aithne/aíne. angeline. anouk. aoife. beatrix. brigitte. caitriona. carolina. catarina. cecilia. chantal. charlotte. chloë. clarice. daphne. delphine. eleanor. etienne. evangeline. imogen. june. lorelai. maud. octavia. ophelia. persephone. rhiannon. saoirse. sophia. theodora. theresa. vivienne.
may 13 2020 ∞ jul 3 2024 +
it's february and i'm trying to read more poetry this year. so, i'm copying some of florrie's have a poem with me lists, and some other poems i find here and there | en; pt; fr; sp
— february
- if no one ever marries me, lawrence alma-tadema ♡
- little stones at my window, mario benedetti ♡
- the grasshopper and the cricket, john keats ♡
- todo es muy simple, idea vilarino ♡
— march
- i wandered lonely as a cloud, william wordsworth ♡
- frost at midnight, samuel t. coleridge ♡
feb 17 2025 ∞ mar 19 2025 +
・゚゚・。 copied from shug avery
- arnold's bedroom (hey, arnold, 2004)
- clarissa's bedroom (clarissa explains it all, 1991)
- gilmore's home (gilmore girls, 2007)
- halliwell manor (charmed, 1998)
- max's bedroom (hocus pocus, 1993)
- miss honey's cottage (matilda, 1996)
- mrs. goldfinch's house (barney's great adventure, 1998)
- mrs. w's windchime garden (harriet the spy, 1996)
- owen's manor (practical magic, 1998)
- sabrina's room (chilling adventures of sabrina, 2018)
- sabrina's room (sabrina, 1996)
sep 17 2024 ∞ sep 17 2024 +
- a alcova ⋅ aldrava ⋅ alexithymia ⋅ alpenglow ⋅ arandela ⋅ archaic ⋅ ataúde ⋅ atmosphere ⋅ atmospheric ⋅ aurora ⋅ autumn
- b bewitching ⋅ blossom ⋅ bookshelves ⋅ bruma ⋅ bucólico ⋅ burial
- c candle ⋅ catecumeno ⋅ chest ⋅ clepsidra (κλεψύδρα) ⋅ cloak ⋅ cornucópia ⋅ cottage ⋅ coven ⋅ crimson
- d daydream ⋅ december ⋅ derelict ⋅ diáfano ⋅ dream
- e ebúrneo ⋅ eerie ⋅ eldritch ⋅ elf ⋅ elves ⋅ empyrical ⋅ ephemeral ⋅ ethereal ⋅ evening ⋅ evergreen
- f fada ⋅ fairy ⋅ féretro ⋅ fernweh ⋅ floresta ⋅ fog ⋅ folk ⋅ forest ⋅ fúnebre ⋅ funeral
- g gallows ⋅ ghostly ⋅ gloom ⋅ grave
- h haunt ⋅ haunted ⋅ hauntingly ⋅ hiver
- i idílico ⋅ incunábulo ⋅ iridescente...
feb 9 2017 ∞ sep 24 2024 +
- anne waldman ⟡
- brenda frazer aka bonnie bremser ⟡
- carolyn cassady ⟡
- denise levertov ⟡
- diane di prima ⟡
- edie parker ⟡
- eileen kaufman ⟡
- elise cowen ⟡
- hettie james ⟡
- jan kerouac ⟡
- jane bowles ⟡
- jay defeo ⟡
- joan brown ⟡
- joan vollmer ⟡
- joyce johnson ⟡
feb 8 2024 ∞ feb 8 2024 +
before 1800
- "der vampir" by heinrich august ossenfelder (1748)
- "the bride of corinth" by johann wolfgang von goethe (1797)
- "wake not the dead" attributed to johann ludwig tieck (1800)
- thalaba the destroyerby robert southey (1801)
- "the vampire" by john stagg, in his minstrel of the north (1810)
- the giaour by george gordon byron (1813)
- "a fragment of a novel" (aka "the burial: a fragment") by george gordon byron (1816)
- "the vampyre" by john polidori (1819)
- lord ruthven ou les vampires (lord ruthve...
dec 26 2019 ∞ mar 8 2024 +
- thomas tallis
- claudio monteverdi
- gregorio allegri
- jean-baptiste lully
- johann pachelbel
- arcangelo corelli
- henry purcell
- alessandro scarlatti
- francois couperin
- antonio vivaldi
- georg philipp telemann
- jean-philippe rameau
- johann sebastian bach
- domenico scarlatti
- george friderick handel
- giovanni battista pergolesi
- christoph willibald gluck
- carl philipp emanuel bach
- franz joseph haydn
- johann christian bach
- luigi boccherini
dec 16 2019 ∞ feb 21 2024 +
- 1607: l'orfeo by claudio monteverdi - this is widely regarded as the first operatic masterwork.
- 1640: il ritorno d'ulisse in patria by claudio monteverdi - monteverdi's first opera for venice, based on homer's odyssey, displays the composer's mastery of portrayal of genuine individuals as opposed to stereotypes.
- 1642: l'incoronazione di poppea by claudio monteverdi - monteverdi's last opera, composed for a venetian audience, is often performed today. its venetian context helps to explain the complete absence of the moralizing tone often associated with opera of this time.
- 1644: ormindo by francesco cavalli - one of the first of cavalli's operas to be revived in the 20th century, ormindo is considered one of his more attractive works....
dec 26 2019 ∞ feb 21 2024 +
- alexandrine ⟡
- art & mythology ⟡
- jules ⟡
- petra ⟡
- pre-dracula vampire literature ⟡
- referências no pinterest ⟡
- spookyepatootie ⟡
- tanan ⟡
- the coziest places in my favorite childhood movies ⟡
- wikipedia's chronological list of important operas ⟡
dec 26 2019 ∞ sep 16 2024 +