- a good man is hard to find and other stories by flannery o'connor
- a streetcar named desire by tennessee williams
- a visitation of spirits by randall kenan
- absalom, absalom! by william faulkner
- ✔ as i lay dying by william faulkner
- barn burning by william faulkner
- beloved by toni morrison
- blackwood farm by anne rice
- everything that rises must converge by flannery o'connor
- ✔ interview with the vampire by anne rice
- light in august by william faulkner
- midnight in the garden of good and evil by john berendt
- nothing gold can stay by ron rash
- the gold-bug by edgar allan poe
- ✔ the heart is a lonely hunter by carson mccullers
- the sound and the fury by william faulkner
- the violent bear it away by flannery o'connor
- wise blood by flannery o'connor
feb 19 2021 ∞
feb 25 2025 +