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"In life or on rivers, awareness of what is giving momentum at any one time is essential if you want to avoid getting pinned against an undesired shore." - Jill Fredston, Rowing to Latitude

listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • D visits, not what I expected
  • Trinity site and San Lorenzo Canyon adventure
  • sushi making with Cecily
  • appetizer dinner with Jenny
  • watched Moana and cried tears of joy
  • sick for 3 days; fear of the unknown
  • waiting for a table at La Choza and playing Hanabi with A and her boyfriend outside on the dark patio
  • lingering car conversation with H and K
  • seeing Cecily four days in a row
  • getting my IUD; vulnerability
  • sharing Wendell Berry's quote about defending what you love
  • honest conversation with C
  • buying bee pollen for allergy relief at the "honey salon"
  • giving my old computer to H, a win-win
  • signing up for a deep learning online course on Kickstarter; checked the other backers and saw 2 girl names out of 96. Why? should I worry about discrimination if I go into this field?
  • shopping downtown, touring Santa Fe, making tissue flower "blessings" with A when she visited
  • hearing A's story about making my hometown a cool place to live
  • D and I laughed when my favorite pen was the same as his
mar 14 2017 ∞
apr 19 2017 +