True wealth occurs when the way we spend our money is not simply compensating for how we earn it. - Mark Manson
- Happiness doesn’t arise from the absence of responsibility. It emerges from spending time on activities that create a state of consciousness called flow also known as “being in the zone.” - Paula Pant
I have been very fortunate in worldly matters; many men have worked much harder, and not succeeded half so well; but I never could have done what I have done, without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one object at a time, no matter how quickly its successor should come upon its heels, which I then formed. -Charles Dickens (as David Copperfield)
- "If there is a Creator," Jim said, "I imagine that one day He is going to say, 'Jim, I created this incredible world, with oceans and mountains and animals and cultures and people. And I put you on it. Did you bother to see it? Did you even try?’”
Money isn’t the end game. It’s a tool that lets you live a bolder purpose.
- Keep breaking the rules. Keep defying tradition. Keep deciding in every moment that you're going to create a life - and evolve into a person - that's truly your own. Keep questioning norms. Keep breaking down walls and fears and worries and excuses. Keep taking radical responsibility for building a life that's 100% your own.
Cliche but true. ⚡️ One of my favorite quotes that I’ve heard recently is: “isn’t it funny how day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?”
- If you want to make a change in your life, whether it’s to improve your money, health, career, or anything else, begin by creating small daily changes. In isolation, none of these changes will feel significant, but taken together these amount to huge lifestyle transformations.