• I have a very active imagination which leads to so many things. I get so scared for weeks from not so scary movies (I.e. Making a murderer LOL) and I get so scared to the point I imagine Steve Avery's face every night and get scared, can't go to the toilet if i'm tucked in bed but busting to go, feel like someone will come into my room and kill me, and need my sister to escort me to my room or stay out the door and wait for me pee.
  • I think this comes from my big fear of death. I just imagine the worse possible scenarios
  • Winter to scorching summer nights, I will always have my blanket on me covering my whole body because again, I'm a scaredy cat and it serves as protection even though a blanket won't really do much say if a thief decides to enter and hold me up. But to me, it is a matter of life or death and the blanket has a special power to keep me safe from death. When I wake up sometimes, I'm drenched in sweat but no ragrets
  • If I see someone hurt something like their neck, I feel it too but not really because that's impossible so I mean I can imagine it so vividly that it transcends to my sense of feeling and I can feel it as though it happened to me - which links to my active imagination I guess.
  • I'm an insomniac during stressful periods of my life. I normally can't sleep until 4-5am
  • It's so hard for me to maintain eye contact with people. I never know where to look but as of 2017, I challenge myself just to look deep into the souls of every person I talk to
  • I might say the wrong things to people but I don't mean it. It just comes out in the heat of the moment. The heat of the moment being me having anxiety, thinking about my sweaty palms or if I have a sweaty moustache, or if you notice my moustache or if what I said was stupid or if I'm embarrassed about something etc
  • When I get nervous or embarrassed, I go into a sweating rampage when it's not even hot
  • I sweat a lot. Especially on my palms and face when I get nervous, and of course during sport (but excessively)
  • I like my sport and am relatively good at it if I try
  • When I think, I think. I can go a whole car trip in silence just thinking.
  • I cannot stand sitting and pondering life and not be on my phone or laptop doing something or watching youtube. My phone/laptop/youtube is my escape from reality and life's happier that way lol
  • I can be perceived as a snob or unfriendly but this is only because I feel very unwanted as a person and don't even think people want to talk to me
  • I'm the type of person who thinks eating rhubarb is a dare and actually vomits it out
  • I've done a 3 day hike on the Royal coastal track, I've hiked around the park where Ivan Milat did his killings (Belangalo)
  • I've been to nearly all continents except South Africa and Antarctica
  • I started travelling at a really young age and am fortunate enough to be brought up by parents who can afford and value travelling
  • I've never broken a bone
  • I've never had chickenpox or a bleeding nose
  • I've travelled and backpacked alone
  • My whole backpack has been stolen in Barcelona
  • I'm very aware of my surroundings and perceptive I.e. Can sense a pick pocket
  • I've driven around New Zealand in the winter and did a road trip with my sister
  • I'm overly sentimental
  • I'm very, very independent and don't need no man
  • I don't really like having friends atm and prefer to be by myself
  • I use to collect stamps as a hobby in primary school
  • I go through different phases of food binges for several months i.e. Snack Packs (but that's over and done with) and MCDONALDS!!! Which is like a year-long on/off thing
  • I absolutely love potato!!! Mashed, boiled, roasted mmmmmm
  • I am the most annoyingly indecisive person in the whole entire world. No joke. My mum and sister can agree with this and exaggerate it and I wouldn't even disagree. I HATE IT! I could spend hours and hours and hours making a decision
  • I make tons of documents with pros and cons lists, tables with prices, place of purchase etc when I make any big buying decision whether it be eyeglasses, cameras, flights, renting a car, booking hotels, backpacks
  • I absolutely love online shopping because i'm indecisive of course, but ASOS is the best and there's so many good sales online
  • I'm a wise shopper and can find normally branded things for reasonable prices
  • I love photography!! Particularly travel, landscapes, architecture and portrait
  • I am full Filipino with a bit of Chinese from my mum's side
  • My Filipino dad has green eyes
  • My best friends are my cousins. They're the only people out of my immediate family I feel 99% comfortable being my weirdo self and have the most genuine happy moments with
  • I have a huge family on my dad's side alone and as of December 2016, I counted that I have 31 first cousins, and together, including my aunts, uncles, cousins' babies and partners, there's approx. 66 of us (this excludes my family of four and approx. because some of my cousins in the Philippines that I don't really talk to have babies I don't really know about)
  • I have short-term memory loss. That or I omit the memory of everything good or bad in my life because it's not genuine
  • I'm good at making excuses to get out of things. Well, I think that anyway. People probably see right through me but they don't even care!
jan 3 2017 ∞
jan 3 2017 +