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  • "Think you've seen it all? Think again. Outside those doors, we might see anything. We could find new worlds, terrifying monsters, impossible things. And if you come with me... nothing will ever be the same again!"
  • "Look at these people, these human beings. Consider their potential! From the day they arrive on the planet, blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than— no, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands: Leave them alone!"
  • "The Doctor: So the year five billion, the Sun expands, the Earth gets roasted.
    • Rose: That was our first date.
    • The Doctor: We had chips."
  • "Detective-Inspector Bishop: Start from the begining, tell me everything you know.
    • Doctor: Well, for starters, I know you can't wrap your hand around your elbow and make your fingers meet."
  • "They took her face and just chucked her out in the street. As a consequence that makes this simple... very, very simple. Because now, Detective-Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this earth that can stop me! Come on!"
  • "The Doctor: [The Beast] is playing on very basic fears. Darkness, childhood, nightmares, all that sort of stuff.
    • Danny: But that's how the devil works!
    • The Doctor: Or a good psychologist."
  • "The Doctor: [about to let go of the cable and fall into the Pit, probably never to return] If you get back in touch... if you talk to Rose... just tell her... tell her I... Oh, she knows... [lets go and falls]"
  • "I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi gods and would-be gods; out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her."
  • "The Doctor: [with Rose on an alien planet] How long are you going to stay with me?
    • Rose: Forever."
  • Rose: Where are you?
    • The Doctor: Inside the TARDIS. There's one tiny little gap in the universe left, just about to close. And it takes a lot of power to send this projection— I'm in orbit around a supernova. [smiling weakly] I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.
  • "Rose: Am I ever going to see you again?
    • The Doctor: You can't.
    • Rose: What are you going to do?
    • The Doctor: Back to the TARDIS. Same old life.
    • Rose: On your own?
    • The Doctor: Yes.
    • Rose: I— ...I love you.
    • The Doctor: Quite right too. [pause] And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it: Rose Tyler..."
    • [The transmission cuts, and the Doctor fades away from Rose. He stands in the TARDIS, with his mouth open mid-syllable, a tear streaming down his face. He regains his composure, while Rose runs crying into her mother's arms. Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor is slowly walking around the control pannel, flipping switches and pressing buttons as he goes along.]
dec 16 2010 ∞
mar 19 2013 +