• Well no matter how hard I slave and sweat and bleed, I just cannot understand chemistry under the shoddy tutelage of Bender. We need a better teacher, Whitney.
  • I just can't get some problems on SAT II Math. No matter how many preps I do, there's always those last five or so problems that bring me to a screeching halt whereas before that I was tearing through the test like a rick'rolled sucka.
  • How to use time wisely. I mean, it's 237AM right now and I should be sleeping because I have an AP Spanish exam tomorrow but noooo, here I am, doing...this. Not even homework. Procrastination does not even BEGIN to describe this type of laziness.
  • I used to think that anything physics and I were incompatible. Simply a ill fitted match, like a giant in dwarf's clothing. But then along came AP Physics and MR Z and I'm slowly but (hopefully) surely starting to understand! But as of yet I'm still rather dumb on physics and thinking outside the box!
  • Reading general literature novels like Ian McEwan. Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Diane Setterfield and their like I adore, but for some reason McEwn's work does not strike a chord within me and I can barely keep my attention riveted. Or maybe because that was before I gained an appreciation for prose. Perhaps I shall try again sometime soon.
  • Science, in general, is something I struggle with. Which is a damn shame because science is so valued in society today; it's respected and the mechanism that vaulted us out of the Stone Age to where we are today. I want in on these amazing phenomenons but I feel like my mind was not built for such aspirations.
  • Boys. Don't laugh, but I'm not the biggest flirt around. It's sometimes a gigantic challenge finding stuff to say when I'm alone with one. "One". Sounds like an experiment. "I am currently alone with Subject One. It is not responding..."
  • Driving. Maybe it's because I haven't spent that much time on the road yet, but goodness gracious I am a terrible driver! And I realize and acknowledge it, too.
  • Writing well. I seem to be an avid fan of purple prose, which is just about the biggest faux pas in existence. I need to seriously tone it down and try for finesse and elegance when writing, especially with college essays breathing down my neck with every approaching day.
oct 12 2010 ∞
aug 20 2012 +