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I'm cute, funny, lovable and infatuated with how well my life has turned out thus far. I love; Michael, Dylan, tropical skittles, iced coffee, my horses, and manicures. I also hope to save the world one day.

My style is often discribed as equestrian-classic-preppy meets rock n' roll chic with some Brooks Brothers suits mixed in. I couldn't have said it better myself.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Waking up before my alarm goes off so I don't have to hear the annoying buzz buzz buzz sound
  • Opening my eyes to find my puppy standing on my chest face to face with me
  • Random sweet text messages on my phone upon waking
  • Having a warm morning to get my run in early
  • A fully charged & fully stocked iPod for said run
  • Getting into a warm shower and realizing I had forgotten that I had a new bottle of body wash I have yet to open in a yummy new scent
  • Wrapping myself in one of my hot pink bath towels fresh from the laundry service
  • A good shiny hair day with no frizzies
  • Perfectly groomed eyebrows
  • Finding that one last that I forgot that I had accessory that takes my look from "ok" to "polished"!
  • A full glass of fresh soy milk
  • A full email inbox with messages from friends, family, and a good joke from a co-worker
  • Finding that my FB page had been "blessed" from friends since I last checked
  • A light work load
  • My boss announcing that we are ordering Mexican for lunch and he's buying
  • The whole office bouncing funny youtube videos back and forth over lunch
  • A dentist visit with no cavities
  • Finding that much desired sweater, scarf, heels etc on sale AND in your size
  • A NY&Co Coupon AND finding "city bucks" in your wallet to bring your total clothing purchase from $154.75 to $64.75 (!!!!)
  • No red lights on the way to the stables
  • Getting horse nickers and nuzzles when I go to feed
  • Talking with Tommy as I tack up
  • Having the perfect ride, executing jumps, and galloping blissfully cross country as the sun goes down with my dog running right next to me
  • Untacking and having Kindal nip my sleeve for her treat
  • Having the horses load quietly on the trailer the first time they are asked to
  • Meeting my "horse clique" for drinks @ 4 Dogs with all of us still in our boots/breeches and our dogs in tow
  • Coming home to a sparkling clean apartment
  • Snuggling with my boo and watching bad tv before bed
  • Gossiping with my mom and dad on the phone while chilling out
  • Checking the DVR to find a great show/movie recorded that I had forgotten about
  • Crawling into bed that has freshly cleaned/ironed sheets on it
nov 18 2009 ∞
dec 30 2009 +