• Kefetmisenu (Trustworthy like two: Hethert & Heru-wer), UDJA'NYINEPU (or UDJA'ANYINEPU) (meaning: Assigned to Yinepu), PARUDJYINEPU (meaning: Yinepu's Persistence), Sopdetmuti ("My two Mothers are effective for me" - Hethert/Sekhmet her Bast), Sasaisenu - "I satisfy Two" / "I cause that Two be satisfied", Sekhmetnenek|Sekhmet belongs to me (sa?), HapDjehuty (meaning "the law [or statute] of Djehuty"), I am MiMafdet, whose name means "Come, Mafdet!" (And if you draw something along the lines of "here kitty, kitty" could you include ringing a bell?)
  • Hapy: blue-skinned man with tray/lotus/papyrus, man with papyrus on head, pot-bellied man with breasts and tiny loincloth
  • Nebthet: winged or usual
  • Waret: Names looking at their temples
  • more Ma'ahes, Wepwawet, Bast-Mut, Mafdet
  • Seta: Netjeru interviews!
  • more Greek vs. Kemetic Names
  • Waret: titles/jobs of the Netjeru (esp. Yinepu)
  • Iret & Semater: Dr Phil scenario with Wesir/Aset/Yinepu/Nebthet
feb 18 2007 ∞
feb 7 2015 +