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  • Achluophobia fear of the dark
    • "Fear of the dark is usually not fear of the darkness itself, but fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed by the darkness."
  • Cleisiophobia fear of being locked in an enclosed space
  • Ipobrichiophobia fear of submarines
  • Mnemophobia fear of forgetting memories
  • Taphophobia fear of being buried alive
    • Either by being buried as a result of falsely presumed death, or under a landslide, avalanche, etc.
  • Trypophobia fear of clusters of holes
    • "...thousands of people claim to be fearful of objects with small holes, such as beehives, ant holes and lotus seed heads. Research is limited and Arnold Wilkins and Geoff Cole [...] believe the reaction to be based on a biological revulsion, rather than a learned cultural fear."
oct 22 2012 ∞
jun 30 2016 +