Default Letters

  • I
    • Introversion is most definitely my strongest letter. I do not crave seclusion only after social events, but rather I only want interpersonal interaction after a lot of alone-time.
  • N
    • I automatically find overarching "themes" of things; I am often not satisfied with a novel unless I have pulled one central message from it, and I enjoy creating playlists because I naturally search for songs with common emotions. Additionally, I tend to make generalizations about people based on a mix of hard evidence and the "vibe" I get from them. This can be good (it helps me understand them) and bad (it creates judgment).
  • F
    • Though it is my natural preference, I find that the Feeling aspect of my personality is often my downfall. I need to figure out how to balance when to control my feelings and when to let them flow freely, because while I appreciate that I'm empathetic, I sometimes feel too much and emotions crash down on me.
  • J
    • I've actually become quite good at balancing spontaneity with planning. I've realized I love spending a free day by waking up on my own time and deciding last minute where to go or what to do. When it comes to getting things done, though, I'm all about to-do lists and planning. I find it satisfying to check items off on my lists and love looking at my completed work.

Shadow Letters

  • E
    • I could count on my fingers the number of times I have successfully utilized my E counterpart. This is something that has to happen on its own; forcing it will just cause it to backfire and will inevitably lead to failure as it is the aspect of my shadow that most seldom shows itself naturally.
  • S
    • Usually, I do not mind what happens during the process as long as everything turns out okay in the end. However, in times of stress I tend to focus on little things that went wrong rather than the fact that I made it through intact.
  • T
    • Rationale is useful for sorting out messy situations. Use stress to your advantage at times like those, as using the Thinking function allows clear thought as opposed to the muddle of Feeling.
  • P
    • Excercise the P counterpart. There is a time and place for the structure and planning of a J, but sometimes it causes unnecessary stress. Allow yourself to discover the joy and ease of acting spontaneously.
aug 14 2014 ∞
oct 15 2016 +