user image

jenny, 15, germany, blonde, annoying, smart, social awkward, weird.
books, music, tumblr, food, photography, running, clothes, friends, family, cute things, little kids, school, work, internet, tv-shows, movies, fanfiction, penpals, twitter, love.

laoise books (favourite novels)
books (2025)
about me (resolutions: 2025)
events (2025)
names (a-z)
  • bake something yummy (dunno if yummy is the right word)
  • clean room a bit
  • go shopping to bake something yummy
  • learn breads
  • school
    • learn for geographic test
    • learn for math class paper
    • make the picture story for german class
    • make the video for music class
    • research paper work
      • begin writing your research paper
      • fill out the form for a library access card
      • find out how to do a manueller seitenumbrung
      • read the book ( Selbstverletzendes Verhalten - Ulrich Sachsse )
  • send klassensprecherversammlungsprotokoll to the others
apr 20 2013 ∞
apr 25 2013 +