• you post a lot about The Acecourse
  • you don't care about trigger warnings
  • you don't believe asexuality/aromanticism are real or valid
  • you don't believe that a person's ace/aro/aroaceness can affect their treatment (non-cishet or otherwise)
  • you post a lot of dubcon/age gap/power gap shit
  • you don't believe in NB gender IDs
  • you fit the standard DNF criteria lmao

Very Serious Heads-Up

  • you associate with Tumblr user never-forget-to-keep-loving (
  • if you defend Nick Robinson (@babylonian) in any way lmao
  • your name is/your url contains the name "Niall"
  • an addition to the above: if you KNOW ME IRL and still associate with someone with that name, either ask to follow or unfollow. It's a giant fucking trigger for reasons I'm not comfortable going into publically and I'd rather. Not have ppl in my space who associate with it lmao
jan 15 2017 ∞
aug 8 2017 +